Wed Jan 12 13:49:10 2005

Ticket #539

Interface for group- or station-wide required metadata

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: feature Assigned to: fgerlits
Component: gLiveSupport Status: new
Version:   Resolution:  
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

Station management should be able to set which metadata fields - if any - would be required for input. An interface allowing authorized users (sysadmin or station management) to choose which fields would be required could write this information into system preferences, or possibly into group preferences (if this exists). It would probably be a good idea to group fields together according to content, so that management at a station with a strong music emphasis would not have to decide on individual fields related to news; they would simply choose "music" and the music-related fields (such as creator.role.artist, title, album, etc.) would come up. If the "news/reports" field was left blank, all fields related to news and reports would be optional.



Tue Oct 4 16:07:41 2005: Modified by maroy

  • description changed.
  • component changed from server feature to gLiveSupport
  • milestone set to future
  • owner changed from anonymous to fgerlits

Tue Oct 4 20:07:55 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    Currently, the contents of the metadata tabs in the Upload File window can be customized from the gLiveSupport.xml config file, in the <metadataTypeContainer> element.

    We will need to add a gui for editing the config files, at some point in the future.

    Add/Change #539 (Interface for group- or station-wide required metadata)

    Change Properties
