Tue Jan 18 13:42:09 2005

Ticket #556 (Closed: fixed)

add possibility to retrieve limited result values for the search function

Priority: normal Reporter: maroy
Severity: minor Assigned to: tomash
Component: server feature Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone:   Keywords:  

Description by maroy:

when invoking search (or any function that has the potetial to return an unkown number of results), there should be a possibility to specify the amount (and the offset) of the results needed. something like: search(<some criteria>, 0, 50) - would return the first 50 results search(<some criteria>, 50, 50) - would return the second 50 results etc. etc...



Tue Jan 18 14:11:19 2005: Modified by tomash

  • resolution set to fixed
  • status changed from assigned to closed

It's finished - parameters limit and offset added to searchMetadata method: limit : int - limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited) offset : int - starting point (0 means without offset)

Fri Jan 21 09:51:21 2005: Modified by maroy

    I didn't test the feature myself, but let's assume it works, as what Tomas does, always does :)

    Add/Change #556 (add possibility to retrieve limited result values for the search function)

    Change Properties
