Thu Feb 24 18:18:25 2005

Ticket #605 (Closed: fixed)

HTML UI: Accessing sound file renames to SimpleGet.php.mp3

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: minor Assigned to: sebastian
Component: bug Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0.1 Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

In the HTML UI's Browse window, clicking 'access' to download a sound file works, but the file is renamed simpleGet.php.mp3. It should retain its original filename, or if it has been changed, at least it should draw from the 'title' field. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1) Log in to the HTML UI 2) Click 'File Browser' 3) On a file, click [Access] to download 4) The filename will be rewritten to simpleGet.php.mp3 5) ID3 information is intact, however ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Also interesting to note that ID3 information does not always display in the LS fields, even though it is input there. This is especially true for the file called 'File Title txt'.



Thu Feb 24 20:42:10 2005: Modified by sebastian

    Guess it should played by the Browser himself, not open Winamp etc. Is somebody experienced with this?

    Thu Feb 24 20:52:16 2005: Modified by douglas

      The issue is not whether the browser plays the file or hands it off to another player, but rather that the file name itself is far too generic. Already I've had two separate files with exactly the same name, which is fine for listening/cuing, but not for full downloading.

      Wed Mar 23 22:46:09 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • status changed from assigned to new

      will be solved after 0.9

      Wed Aug 10 21:34:57 2005: Modified by sebastian

        Should use playlist like webstream test.

        Wed Sep 21 18:53:09 2005: Modified by maroy

        • description changed.

        has this been solved?

        Wed Sep 21 18:56:39 2005: Modified by anonymous

        • milestone changed from 1.0 to 1.0.1

        No, the problem still exists. It'd be good if we could get it in 1.0.1 or 1.0.2.

        Thu Sep 29 21:48:13 2005: Modified by sebastian

        • resolution set to fixed
        • status changed from new to closed

        It depends on the player you use. Realplayer shows right title information.

        Add/Change #605 (HTML UI: Accessing sound file renames to SimpleGet.php.mp3)

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