Sun Feb 27 17:00:32 2005

Ticket #615 (Closed: fixed)

distinc search

Priority: normal Reporter: sebastian
Severity: minor Assigned to: tomash
Component: server feature Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0 Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

For use in library browse, search method need distict-parameter.



Sun Feb 27 17:00:46 2005: Modified by sebastian

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to tomash

Mon Feb 28 04:22:24 2005: Modified by tomash

    More information, please - it's in browseCategory method? Please, specify method and parameters.

    Mon Feb 28 14:38:24 2005: Modified by sebastian

      Sorry did not know about browseCategory() method. Seems this is already distinct search method.

      Wed Mar 2 03:06:55 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • resolution set to fixed
      • milestone set to 1.0
      • status changed from assigned to closed

      Thu Apr 14 15:03:51 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • milestone changed from 1.0 to 0.9 'Fritz'

      Was never a bug.

      Thu Apr 14 15:03:52 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • milestone changed from 1.0 to 0.9 'Fritz'

      Add/Change #615 (distinc search)

      Change Properties
