Mon Mar 7 14:12:30 2005

Ticket #620 (Closed: fixed)

Scheduler get wrong playtime

Priority: urgent Reporter: sebastian
Severity: major Assigned to: fgerlits
Component: bug Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0 Keywords:  

Description by sebastian:

Scheduler have zero playtime for an scheduled playlist. After adding an playlist with some duration, in schedule-table their starts and ends are equal. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ls_mdata seems to have different entrys for same subject predicate "playlength": is property of playlist and always 00:00:00.000000 predicate ""extent: stores right playlength, but is property of metadata-record In PHP-API i get right result for playtime requesting getMDataValues() for 'dcterms:extent'



Mon Mar 7 14:13:19 2005: Modified by sebastian

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to fgerlits

Mon Mar 7 14:30:16 2005: Modified by tomash

    It have been probably already fixed - I've changed it to follow documentation and 'playlength' attribute of playlist element have higher priority than 'dcterms:extent' metadata.

    Tue Mar 8 15:23:48 2005: Modified by fgerlits

      Is this fixed now? If not, can you give more detail about how to reproduce it?

      Tue Mar 8 17:17:20 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • resolution set to fixed
      • milestone set to 1.0
      • status changed from assigned to closed

      It seems fine now. (Not 100% tested, so do not close this bug)

      Add/Change #620 (Scheduler get wrong playtime)

      Change Properties
