Tue Apr 5 18:16:11 2005

Ticket #756 (assigned)

php does not find the postgresql extension

Priority: low Reporter: fgerlits
Severity: major Assigned to: tomash (accepted)
Component: storage server Status: assigned
Version:   Resolution:  
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by fgerlits:

On a fresh install of livesupport, in modules/storageServer, when I run 'make check', I get the error message 'unable to load php_pgsql.so' (see log below).

I do have the postgresql extension installed, but in the Mandrake 10.1 package, the file is called /usr/lib/php/extensions/pgsql.so, not php_pgsql.so.

After I created a symlink php_pgsql.so -> pgsql.so, it has been working fine.


$ make check  
./var/stor ./var/access ./var/trans ./var/stor/buffer
#StorageServer step 1:  
# root URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportStorageServer  
# webspace mapping test:  
#  mod_php : /home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/install  
#  install : /home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/storageServer/var/install
# mapping OK  
# group running http daemon: apache  
mkdir ./var/stor
mkdir ./var/access  
mkdir ./var/trans  
mkdir ./var/stor/buffer  
#Directories setup finished OK  
cd var/install; php -q install.php
#StorageServer step 2:  
# trying uninstall ...  
# Install ...  
# Testing ...  
# testlog:  
# BasicStor::test: OK  
# Delete test data ...
#storageServer main: OK  
# Install Transport submodule ...  
# Install Prefs submodule ...  
#storageServer submodules: OK    
make -C ../archiveServer all  
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/archiveServer'  
./var/stor ./var/access ./var/trans ./var/stor/buffer  
# archiveServer root URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportArchiveServer  
# group running http daemon: apache  
mkdir ./var/stor  
mkdir ./var/access
mkdir ./var/trans  
mkdir ./var/stor/buffer  
# Directories setup finished OK  
cd var/install; php -q install.php  
# archiveServer step 2:  
# trying uninstall ...  
# Install ...  
# Testing ...  
# testlog:
# BasicStor::test: OK  
# Delete test data ...  
#archiveServer install: OK    
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fgerlits/livesupport/modules/archiveServer'
# storageServer XMLRPC URL: http://localhost:80/livesupportStorageServer/xmlrpc/xrLocStor.php
#XMLRPC: storage test  
# login: xr_cli_test.php: ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 dl(): 
Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_pgsql.so'
/usr/lib/php/extensions/php_pgsql.so: cannot open shared object file: 
No such file or directory (/usr/share/pear/PEAR.php:726) 805  
make: *** [testonly] Error 1



Tue Apr 5 18:17:01 2005: Modified by fgerlits

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to tomash

Fri Sep 2 22:27:38 2005: Modified by fransman

    I do have the same error with my new ubuntu (debian) linux for powerpc install It starts first in the check for Authentication LiveSupport::Authentication::TestAuthenticationClientTest?::firstTest : OK LiveSupport::Authentication::TestAuthenticationClientTest?::getVers ionTest : OK LiveSupport::Authentication::TestAuthenticationClientTes? t::preferencesTest : OK LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::firstTest : assertion LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::g etVersionTest : assertion LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticat? ionClientTest::preferencesTest : assertion LiveSupport::Authenticatio n::AuthenticationClientFactoryTest?::firstTest : OK LiveSupport::Authe ntication::AuthenticationClientFactoryTest?::preferencesTest : OK src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:130:Assertion Test name: LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::firstTest forced failure - Login method returned fault response: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 dl(): Unable to load dynamic libr ary '/usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so' - /usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (/usr/share/php/PEA R.php:730)] src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:159:Assertion Test name: LiveSupp? ort::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::getVersionTest forced failure - XML-RPC method 'locstor.getVersion' returned error message: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 dl(): Unable to load dynamic libr ary '/usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so' - /usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (/usr/share/php/PEA R.php:730)] src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:176:Assertion Test name: LiveSupp? ort::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::preferencesTest forced failure - XML-RPC method 'locstor.resetStorage' returned error message: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 dl(): Unable to load dynamic libr ary '/usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so' - /usr/lib/php4/20020429/php_pgsql.so : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (/usr/share/php/PEA R.php:730)] Failures !!! Run: 8 Failure total: 3 Failures: 3 Errors: 0 make[1]: *** [check] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/frans/src/livesupport/modules/authentication' make: [check] Error 2 (ignored) with a ls -l ill get frans@debsrv:~/src/livesupport/tmp$ ls -l /usr/lib/php4/20020429/ total 376 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 44148 2004-07-28 13:34 apd.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39524 2005-08-19 21:26 curl.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 103668 2005-08-19 21:26 domxml.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 64608 2005-08-19 21:26 odbc.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12220 2004-12-21 10:18 pam_auth.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83588 2004-11-11 02:14 pgsql.so -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12336 2005-08-19 21:26 recode.so frans@debsrv:~/src/livesupport/tmp$ If this is be the same file ill go for a pgsql.so simlink for tomorrow ?

    Sat Sep 3 10:02:58 2005: Modified by fransman

      With the ln ill get now, but with an error -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83588 2004-11-11 02:14 pgsql.so lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8 2005-09-03 08:35 php_pgsql.so -> pgsql.so src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:130:Assertion Test name: LiveSupport::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::firstTest forced failure - Login method returned fault response: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: relation "ls_tree" does not exist (/usr/share/php/DB/pgsql.php:335)] src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:159:Assertion Test name: LiveSupp? ort::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::getVersionTest forced failure - XML-RPC method 'locstor.getVersion' returned error message: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: relation "ls_tree" does not exist (/usr/share/php/DB/pgsql.php:335)] src/WebAuthenticationClientTest?.cxx:176:Assertion Test name: LiveSupp? ort::Authentication::WebAuthenticationClientTest?::preferencesTest forced failure - XML-RPC method 'locstor.resetStorage' returned error message: [faultCode:805,faultString:ERROR:xrLocStor: 2 pg_exec(): Query failed: ERROR: relation "ls_tree" does not exist (/usr/share/php/DB/pgsql.php:335)] Failures !!! Run: 8 Failure total: 3 Failures: 3 Errors: 0 make[1]: *** [check] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/frans/src/livesupport/modules/authentication' make: [check] Error 2 (ignored)

      Wed Sep 7 19:53:34 2005: Modified by fransman

        By default installing the db files and creating (init) the postgresql db is be off a my system, so this is not be done yet, ls_tree is be a postgresql table. CREATE_LS_DATABASE = no INIT_LS_DATABASE = no Found the solution, explain in bug 1446, https://www.campware.org/view.php?id=1446

        Tue Oct 4 16:50:25 2005: Modified by maroy

        • description changed.
        • component changed from bug to storage server
        • milestone set to future

        Wed Oct 5 09:38:55 2005: Modified by anonymous

          We do not use bugs.campware.org any more, the link to bug solution 1446 on trac https://www.campware.org/projects/livesupport/ticket/1446

          Sun Oct 9 02:59:21 2005: Modified by tomash

            Unfortunately I never have reproduced this issue - it's probably Mandrake specific problem.

            Does anybody catch the pgsql.so/php_pgsql.so problem on any other distribution?

            Mon Oct 10 09:50:08 2005: Modified by anonymous

              yes i've got this on on ubuntu

              Wed Nov 9 21:34:24 2005: Modified by [email protected]

                I have this problem, and the correction of using a symbolic link fixes the error.

                cd /usr/lib/php4/20020429 ln -s pgsql.so php_pgsql.so

                then just restart the scheduler and you're ok, no error.

                I have livesupport on Debian Testing... using the 1.0.1 Debian packages from sf.net

                Sat Dec 10 15:19:24 2005: Modified by fgerlits

                • description changed.

                Sat Dec 10 15:30:04 2005: Modified by fgerlits

                • description changed.

                Add/Change #756 (php does not find the postgresql extension)

                Change Properties
