Thu Apr 21 13:23:49 2005

Ticket #846 (Closed: fixed)

cannot build from cvs (21.04.2005) on Fedora Core 3

Priority: normal Reporter: wreutz
Severity: text Assigned to: maroy
Component: development environment Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by wreutz:

i fetched the cvs version today (21.04.2005), copied aclocal and automake to ~/bin (version 1.7 each) and invoked make setup i had problems with aclocal but with the tip i found in the bugtracking system i was able to get further, but now i get stuck again: ./modules/db/bin/ .... .... .... configure: error: Library requirements (libodbc++) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_Config_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg_config can find them. make: *** [modules_setup] Error 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i'm using Fedora Core 3, read all docu and have all required packages installed. when i do a "find / -name "libodbc++*" it returns: /home/rw/livesupport/tools/libodbc++ /home/rw/livesupport/tools/libodbc++/libodbc++-0.2.3 /home/rw/livesup port/tools/libodbc++/libodbc++-0.2.3/libodbc++-0.2.3.tar.gz .....



Thu Apr 21 14:05:17 2005: Modified by maroy

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to maroy

Thu Apr 21 14:06:25 2005: Modified by maroy

    did you run make setup, as described in the getting started document, here: ?

    Thu Apr 21 14:37:47 2005: Modified by wreutz

      yes, did as described

      Thu Apr 21 14:43:50 2005: Modified by maroy

        then probably the libodbc++ installation failed. do you have the output of your make setup run? or, can you run, from the livesupport directory: /tools/libodbc++/libodbc++-0.2.3-20050404/bin/ and see where it fails...

        Thu Apr 21 15:33:44 2005: Modified by wreutz

          ok, now i know where the problem is: i did as you told me and i get the following error: configure: error: No ODBC driver manager configured. Pperhaps you need to give configure --with- odbc=/some/location? What ODBC driver manager do i need? i installed unixODBC on Fedora Core 3 with the graphical package manager. do i need any special develop version or libraries or should i install unixODBC from source?

          Thu Apr 21 16:47:41 2005: Modified by maroy

            yes, you do need the development packages for unixODBC. Please see the developer tools document: (which is linked from the getting started document). all the libraries listed there are needed for LiveSupport, and naturally, all these mean development packages.

            Thu Apr 21 21:40:21 2005: Modified by wreutz

              thank you, that was the missing point :-) now i ran successfully make setup and make compile now i discovered another problem: when i run bin/ -d lsdirectory i get as result: Setting up directory permissions... chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/access': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/access': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/access': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/access': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory Initializing database... #StorageServer? step 2: # trying uninstall ... # Install ... PHP Warning: mkdir(/usr/local/li vesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/buffer): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/BasicStor?.php on line 1458 PHP Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/BasicStor?.php on line 1459 # Testing ... PHP Warning: mkdir(/usr/local/livesupport/var/st orageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/6fe): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 663 PHP Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 663 MetaData?::insert: file save failed (/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/emptyMdata.xml, /usr/loc al/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/6fe/ 6fe3ac1186cec7ef.xml)<hr> /home/rw/livesupport Installing LiveSupport scheduler database tables... using config file '/usr/local/livesupport/etc/scheduler.xml' /home/rw/livesupport Done. creating database and the other things worked, but some directories werent build :-( thought you wanna know

              Thu Apr 21 23:36:40 2005: Modified by maroy

                oh yes, you will. the install script is not inteded to be run from the CVS version of the sources. (maybe I should put a check into it? :) to run LiveSupport from the development environment, I refer you again to the getting started document:

                Thu Apr 21 23:51:09 2005: Modified by wreutz

                  thank you for all your help, i have to say, i'm doing php development for quiet some years and i don't consider myself as a newby :-) but i think the docu is very confusing, it should be made clear, that "getting started" is only for developers or people using cvs version and that "installing" is meant for release versions only! i mixed things up so i got a few problems. maybe you delete the "pure developer info" docs from the release version, so people see only the important info relevant for them. or maybe you move the "development docs" into their own directory in the release versions doc folder. maybe things get clearer ;-)

                  Fri Apr 22 08:32:27 2005: Modified by maroy

                    I tried to do my best in descibing these. For example, the getting started document starts with: Scope This document describes how to set up the LiveSupport development environment. Introduction LiveSupport uses a well-defined development environment. Most of the LiveSupport-specific files are included in the version control system, but some preparation and setup has to be made on system used to develop LiveSupport as well. and later it goes on to describe how to get the sources from the CVS. I thought this would imply that it's about setting up the environment for development based on the sources in the version control. OTOH, the installation document describes steps how to get the distribution livesupport source tarballs: For the impatient Those who think they know everything, the quick steps to install LiveSupport are (make sure to run at least the ./bin/ script as root): wget http://livesupport.campw<version>.tar.bz2 wget libraries-<version>.tar.bz2 tar xfj livesupport-<version>.tar.bz2 tar xfj livesupport-libraries-<version>.tar.bz2 cd livesupport-<version> make setup && make compile ./bin/ -d /usr/local/livesupport -g apache ln -s /usr/local/livesupport/var /var/www/livesupport /usr/local/livesupport/bin/ start (and later in more detail.) But clearly, this is not clear enough. I'll try to improve on it. Thanks for your input on the matter!

                    Tue May 3 12:58:53 2005: Modified by maroy

                    • severity changed from block to text

                    Tue Oct 4 16:47:40 2005: Modified by maroy

                    • description changed.
                    • component changed from bug to development environment
                    • milestone set to future

                    Wed Oct 5 00:18:58 2005: Modified by maroy

                    • resolution set to fixed
                    • status changed from assigned to closed

                    Add/Change #846 (cannot build from cvs (21.04.2005) on Fedora Core 3)

                    Change Properties
