Fri Apr 22 19:48:50 2005

Ticket #862 (Closed: fixed)

Master Panel: Playing Next

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: gui feature Status: closed
Version: 1.0 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 1.0 Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

Display metadata for the next scheduled file in the master panel. This should work for both scheduled and live modes.



Tue Apr 26 14:55:10 2005: Modified by maroy

    see my questions about 'schedule' and 'live mode' for issue #821 , they apply for here as well...

    Thu Apr 28 17:30:18 2005: Modified by micz

      i think we decided that this will be ONLY live mode items in live mode for 1.0 - until we come up with a solution. ideally we would have four fields in the long run: now playing in live mode next playing in live mode now playing in scheduler next playing in scheduler that would be most logical to the way the system works and would support the following use case: at midnight i have to change the mixer from live mode to scheduler manually. then i can leave the office and the scheduler is playing til 8 in the morning. i just finished the last track in live mode and see on "next playing in scheduler" that i still have 10 seconds to say goodbye to my audience. five, three, "bye" - i close the live mode input at the mixer and open the scheduler input for transmission. in "now playing in live mode" i see that there is nothing playing. even if there was, that's just for me in the studio to know what's running and how much time there is left and what's next.

      Fri Apr 29 09:53:47 2005: Modified by maroy

      • status changed from assigned to new

      ok, so for now, only 'what's playing in live mode' is needed...

      Wed Sep 21 18:52:35 2005: Modified by maroy

      • description changed.
      • resolution set to fixed
      • status changed from new to closed

      Add/Change #862 (Master Panel: Playing Next)

      Change Properties
