Fri Apr 22 21:53:51 2005

Ticket #872 (Closed: fixed)

replace preload.swf with a animated gif?

Priority: normal Reporter: wreutz
Severity: feature Assigned to: sebastian
Component: HTML UI Status: closed
Version: 0.9 Resolution: fixed
Milestone: 0.9.1 Keywords:  

Description by wreutz:

is there a certain reason why you guys use a Flash movie for the spinning wheel? If you export it as a animated gif it should be small in size and doesn't require the user to have flash plugin installed. as far as my search resultet this is the only occurence of a flash object in the directory tree and for a simple spinning wheel i think it's overkill :-)



Wed Apr 27 14:44:16 2005: Modified by douglas

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to sebastian

Wed Apr 27 19:27:55 2005: Modified by sebastian

    You are right, will change it to some image type.

    Wed Apr 27 19:28:07 2005: Modified by sebastian

    • status changed from assigned to new

    Thu Apr 28 12:03:15 2005: Modified by douglas

      I've created an animated GIF of the LiveSupport logo to replace the SWF we've had before, and am enclosing it here.

      Thu Apr 28 17:32:42 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • status changed from new to closed

      Thu Apr 28 17:32:43 2005: Modified by sebastian

      • resolution set to fixed
      • milestone set to 0.9.1

      Add/Change #872 (replace preload.swf with a animated gif?)

      Change Properties
