Tue Apr 26 10:32:20 2005

Ticket #878 (Closed: fixed)

window localization is done at first run only

Priority: normal Reporter: fgerlits
Severity: minor Assigned to: maroy
Component: bug Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone:   Keywords:  

Description by fgerlits:

Once a window (or button) gets its resource bundle, it will never change it. If one logs in first with language X, logs out (but does not quit the program) and logs in again with language Y, localized strings stay in language X (in all windows which were constructed before the second login).



Tue Apr 26 10:33:19 2005: Modified by fgerlits

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to maroy

Tue Apr 26 14:19:28 2005: Modified by maroy

    the GLiveSupport::changeLanguage() function should take care of this issue, which should delegate the changing of the lanuage to all windows. Currently this is delegated to the MasterPanel?. but, all other windows should be destroyed at logout, which was not done at MasterPanelWindow?::showAnonymousUI(). (windows were only hidden, but the window objects not destroyed). now it's fixed.

    Tue Apr 26 14:19:38 2005: Modified by maroy

    • resolution set to fixed
    • status changed from assigned to closed

    Tue Apr 26 19:23:57 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    • status changed from closed to assigned

    OK, the windows work now; but the Master Panel buttons don't; in fact, they never do. Just log in as Magyar, even at first time: all the buttons are in English.

    Tue Apr 26 19:24:36 2005: Modified by fgerlits

      (Except Login / Logout, which works fine.)

      Wed Apr 27 08:39:26 2005: Modified by maroy

        yes, because the buttons were never localized :) BTW, what's your take on the master panel window language, when not logged in? should it reflect some preference, or should it be in the language the last user used before he logged out?

        Wed Apr 27 10:12:00 2005: Modified by fgerlits

          > yes, because the buttons were never localized :) ??? We have e.g. searchButton = wf->createButton( *getResourceUstring("searchButtonLabel")); in MasterPanelWindow?.cxx, and searchButtonLabel:string { "keresés" } in hu.txt. What is missing? > should it reflect some preference, or should it be in the language the last user I would say last language. One should be able to figure out that's the button to press, even if it's in Thai, since it's the only button on the screen. :)

          Wed Apr 27 10:45:25 2005: Modified by maroy

          • status changed from assigned to closed

          sorry about that, you're totally right. the issue is resolved now..

          Add/Change #878 (window localization is done at first run only)

          Change Properties
