Mon May 9 07:14:53 2005

Ticket #933 (Closed: wontfix)

Use of playlist in livemode is be one item

Priority: normal Reporter: fransman
Severity: minor Assigned to: douglas
Component: gui feature Status: closed
Version: 1.x Resolution: wontfix
Milestone: 1.1.x Keywords:  

Description by fransman:

I want to use a playlist as a scenario in livemode, but it's be just one item. What can we do to a better handling of a playlist in livemode? STEPS TO REPRODUCE: If i have created a playlist with 12 items (36 minutes) as a scenario of a 1 hour show. The playlist is be in the scratchpad, left mouse button, goes to live mode. But within the livemode-window, the playlis will be just one item, and not the 12 items i have put in. So i can not change this playlist, put some extra jingles/music in, and can not move a record up/down.



Mon May 9 07:21:51 2005: Modified by fransman

    Step 1 at the point of user has 1/2 hour to prepare her show of Step 2: Select and save as new show, of selecting "16.06.2004" show or template for "LondonTrance? 16.06.04" I can not change the scenario template if it's be one item?

    Mon May 9 10:14:57 2005: Modified by douglas

      We have planned for an 'advanced playlist editor', which is in the spec. That may be able to provide the functionality you require. Another workaround would be to remove the playlist in question from the live mode listing, open it in the playlist editor, and then re- place it. Ideally, though, you would be able to invoke even the simple playlist editor with a right-click in live mode.

      Mon May 9 10:49:50 2005: Modified by fransman

        "Ideally, though, you would be able to invoke even the simple playlist editor with a right-click in live mode" Or if it is a playlist (we know the specs of the file) - import - extract the information into livemode window? - the livemode window is be the best editor you can get! - sounds for me just an other way of handling the file Can you ask how difficult this will be?

        Mon May 9 15:40:25 2005: Modified by fgerlits

          You can put individual clips into Live Mode, not only playlists; and you can replace / reorder / change fades of these. (By "you can" I mean you will be able in 1.0, it's already in the specs.) It seems to me you want: 1) a "blocking element" that I could drop into the LM window, which says "whatever is below this will start playing at time X"; and 2) some way to group and name a bunch of items in LM, probably by inserting "group start" and "group end" elements, for saving and reporting purposes. I'd say these are both good feature requests ...for 1.1 or later. Doug, do we have some mechanism for collecting such requests? Mantis is not the best place for it. Once we have a list, we could ask Robert and other radio people to comment on them and prioritize them.

          Tue May 10 09:51:29 2005: Modified by fransman

            Ok goes for version 1.x Dependensies are FileMetaD and LM8. I do not have information about FileMetaD found within the planning of the GUI. Description Live Mode info item ID LM8 Depending on LM2,3,PE,FileMetaD Priority 4 (after this one) Days ?

            Tue May 10 13:18:57 2005: Modified by Robert Klajn

              I agree with Doug , that is one of the many good ways to add files to the end of playlist. "Specific start time" If you want to setup specific time to start file, you can add start time in some "...advanced mode " if I`m right, yes ? In that "specific time mode" previous audio file goes in fadeout and audio file "with spec time play " starts immediately. I`m waiting answers from our programers if this is possible to implement in next version LS. Of course, some good and simple ideas are not allways easy. For now, I`m ready to comment ideas, and possible mistakes for radio program :)

              Thu Jun 2 15:20:48 2005: Modified by douglas

              • resolution set to wontfix
              • status changed from assigned to closed

              Add/Change #933 (Use of playlist in livemode is be one item)

              Change Properties
