Mon May 9 12:36:03 2005

Ticket #935 (Closed: fixed)

Install CD: Difference between Knoppix and LS Apache configurations

Priority: normal Reporter: douglas
Severity: major Assigned to: douglas
Component: LS-Knoppix Install CD Status: closed
Version:   Resolution: fixed
Milestone:   Keywords:  

Description by douglas:

The Knoppix install creates an Apache group called www-data, whereas LS install packages call for group Apache. The LS install documentation calls for the following: ./bin/ -d /usr/local/livesupport -g apache -r /var/www and returns an error when this is input into a Knoppix installation. The installation goes forward when 'apache' is replaced with www-data. One of these will need to be changed. In addition, a number of other errors were thrown when trying to install the LS libraries package as compiled according to instructions in the documentation. The errors are included below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: root@box:/home/user/livesupport-0.9.1# ./bin/ -d /usr/local/livesupport -g www-data -r /var/www Installing LiveSupport. Using the following installation parameters: installation directory: /usr/local/livesupport host name: box web server port: 80 scheduler port: 3344 database server: localhost database: LiveSupport database user: livesupport database user password: livesupport apache daemon group: www-data apache document root: /var/www Making pre-install steps for LiveSupport. Using the following installation parameters: apache daemon group: www-data Checking for required tools... Exectuable sed found... Exectuable psql found... Exectuable php found... Exectuable pear found... Exectuable odbcinst found... Done. Installing LiveSupport files. Using the following installation parameters: installation directory: /usr/local/livesupport Copying files... cp: cannot stat `/home/user/livesupport-0.9.1/usr/etc/*': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `/home/user/livesupport-0.9.1/products/scheduler/tmp/scheduler': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `/home/user/livesupport-0.9.1/products/gLiveSupport/tmp/gLiveSupport': No such file or directory cp: cannot stat `/home/user/livesupport-0.9 .1/products/gLiveSupport/tmp/gLiveSupport*.res': No such file or directory Done. Making post-install steps for the LiveSupport scheduler. Using the following installation parameters: installation directory: /usr/local/livesupport host name: box web server port: 80 scheduler port: 3344 database server: localhost database: LiveSupport database user: livesupport database user password: livesupport apache daemon group: www-data apache document root: /var/www Checking for required tools... Exectuable sed found... Exectuable psql found... Exectuable php found... Exectuable pear found... Exectuable odbcinst found... Creating database and database user... ERROR: user "livesupport" already exists ERROR: database "LiveSupport" already exists Creating ODBC data source and driver... Registering LiveSupport ODBC data source... Customizing configuration files... Setting up directory permissions... chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/access': Nosuch file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/access': Nosuch file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/archiveServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/access': Nosuch file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chgrp: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/access': Nosuch file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/trans': No such file or directory chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/stor/buffer': No such file or directory Creating symlinks... Initializing database... #StorageServer? step 2: # trying uninstall ... # Install ... Warning: mkdir(/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../stor ageServer/var/stor/buffer): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/BasicStor?.php on line 1506 Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/BasicStor?.php on line 1507 # Testing ... Warning: mkdir(/usr/local/livesupport/var/stora geServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/054): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666 Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/StoredFile?.php on line 666 MetaData?::insert: file save failed (/usr/local/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/emptyMdata.xml, /usr/loc al/livesupport/var/storageServer/var/../../storageServer/var/stor/054/ 0547cbd8b8da9c86.xml)<hr> /home/user/livesupport-0.9.1 /home/user/livesupport-0.9.1/bin/ line 437: /home/user/livesupport-0.9.1/bin/ No such file or directory root@box:/home/user/livesupport-0.9.1#



Mon May 9 12:36:26 2005: Modified by douglas

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • owner changed from anonymous to michael

Mon May 9 12:53:35 2005: Modified by michael

    The apache group differs from system to system. this is explained in the documentation. the example using 'apache' is in fact not valid for debian systems (which use 'www-data' apache group) documented additional errors match bug #930 (3) apparantly this is not a problem with debian packaging but current make and install process...

    Mon May 9 12:55:12 2005: Modified by michael

    • owner changed from michael to douglas

    Thu Jun 2 15:26:02 2005: Modified by douglas

    • resolution set to fixed
    • status changed from assigned to closed

    Add/Change #935 (Install CD: Difference between Knoppix and LS Apache configurations)

    Change Properties
