Mon May 9 16:19:58 2005

Ticket #936 (assigned)

MP now playing a playlist display playlist name

Priority: normal Reporter: fransman
Severity: feature Assigned to: fgerlits (accepted)
Component: gLiveSupport Status: assigned
Version: 0.9.1 Resolution:  
Milestone: future Keywords:  

Description by fransman:

Master pannel, now playing display's playlist-name and not the name of the items



Tue May 10 09:13:35 2005: Modified by fransman

    This isseu is be related for using the same information as metadata. If i save a playlist as "4 records, close hour jingle and adds" this information goes to the master pannel now playing.

    Thu May 12 09:25:54 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    • resolution set to invalid
    • status changed from new to closed
    • owner changed from anonymous to fgerlits

    I'd say this is a feature for now; possibly to be changed in future versions.

    Thu May 12 09:25:55 2005: Modified by fgerlits

    • owner changed from fgerlits to anonymous

    Thu May 19 23:31:48 2005: Modified by sebastian

    • resolution cleared
    • status changed from closed to assigned

    Franz means C++ GUI I hope, because html UI displays the current/next item in playlist which is currently played (as far I coded it right) To avoid confusion, C++ UI should do the same. Or maybee best solution is to display current PL, and current/next song too?

    Thu May 19 23:31:49 2005: Modified by sebastian

    • owner changed from anonymous to douglas

    Thu Jun 2 15:06:54 2005: Modified by douglas

      This is now resolved in the HTML UI, which instead of playing the playlist name in the 'now playing' field displays the actual file being played. I haven't tested the Studio implementation yet.

      Thu Jun 2 15:07:07 2005: Modified by douglas

      • owner changed from douglas to fgerlits

      Wed Sep 21 18:41:44 2005: Modified by maroy

      • description changed.

      Ferenc, is this still an issue?

      Thu Sep 22 10:02:56 2005: Modified by fgerlits

      • milestone changed from 0.9.1 to 1.1

      Yes, and it's not clear to me what to do about it, since audio clips inside a playlist can freely overlap. I need to add Playlist API to return the audio clip at offset x, but which one?

      Tue Oct 4 15:47:01 2005: Modified by maroy

      • component changed from bug to gLiveSupport
      • milestone changed from 1.1 to future
      • severity changed from minor to feature

      Tue Oct 4 21:01:04 2005: Modified by fgerlits

        I still need clarification on this. A playlist may legally contain 5 audio clips which are all playing at the same time, with any kind of overlaps. I don't know which one you want me to display.

        Even if we are OK with a random choice in an extreme (and not realistic) situation like this, there are normal crossfade overlaps. When do we switch from one clip to the next? It should work the same way as in the html UI, but I don't know how it works there. Sebastian?

        Add/Change #936 (MP now playing a playlist display playlist name)

        Change Properties
