UC-5 Playlist export

ref# UC-5

use case Output playlist and component files to single archive file

type primary, essential


purpose To output a playlist to a single sound file, which can then be used in a number of ways, especially podcasting.

overview As part of LiveSupport's network functionality, users will have the ability to export and import playlists either with or without their component files. A playlist that is exported without component files would then require that on import, the system would try to automatically find the missing files in local storage. Such a search would occur based on the unique filenames given by the network. Import of network files would require that network-assigned filenames not be overwritten.

In the event of duplicate files, the system would prompt the user to pick which one he wants.

Export will also have a “gather for output” functionality which would create an archive file which includes the playlist and its component files. The user should have the ability to choose the format for the playlist, having options to save as native LiveSupport SMIL, XSPF or M3U.

Such an archive file, on import, would import the playlist as well as the component files into local storage.

references wiki:UC-6 #1582*

Typical course of events

Actor action System response
1. Playlist export from Scratchpad 2. Menu prompts user for confirmation, and asks to export all component files or only the playlist file.
3. Export playlist and all component files 4.Prompts user for filesystem location for the file to be saved, as well as its format (LiveSupport SMIL is the default, but XSPF and M3U are also displayed).
5. Export playlist only 6. Displays warning ”None of the component files of this playlist will be saved along with the playlist. Are you sure the local storage server will have these files?”
7. OK 8. Prompts user for filesystem location
9. Back 10. Returns to prompt displaying confirmation for exporting playlist and all components or only the playlist file.
11. Cancel 12. Cancels the process entirely and returns user to where they were.