UC-7 Preferences palette

Description: Based on user feedback, users are not interested in opening a terminal window to administer LS functions. Tools that currently involve editing config files should be included into a gLiveSupport 'Preferences' palette. These include (but are not limited to):

references #1583

- Sound card config (including identifying which sound cards are on which channels, and playing a test sound to help users identify which outputs are connected to which devices)

- Scheduler start/stop

- Mass import

- Database backup/restore

- File parameters

- Version information

It would probably be easiest to create a Preferences palette that only would be visible/accessible to users with the proper privileges. This palette would also include the admin items currently available in the HTML UI such as: - File management

- User/group management

The 'Preferences' palette design has yet to be determined. A tab-based interface or one that launches separate popup windows may be worth exploring.

Individual functions will be described in separate use cases under UC-7.1, UC-7.2, UC-7.3, UC-7.4, UC-7.5 and UC-7.6 .