UC-8: File Transfer

ref# UC-8 File Transfer

use case Transfer files between local storage and a network hub

type primary, essential


purpose To provide for the easy transfer of program content in both directions from local stations (and their corresponding StorageServer?) and the network hub

overview The file transfer function is designed to allow local stations to both upload and download content from their network hub. Examples of the types of uses would include:

- when the network wants to send out a single file to a single local station, such as an exported playlist that makes up the nightly news (see wiki:UC-5 Playlist export and wiki:UC-6 Playlist import)

- when a local station wants to upload a news report as a single sound file, either a rendered playlist or a file from the search/browse window (see wiki:UC-1)

- when a local station wants to download an entire series of programs (i.e. the ability to mark multiple files for download)

- when the network wants to send new schedule items to a remote station, such as when the network has to add new advertising blocks (see wiki:UC-3 and wiki:UC-4)

- when the network wants to send only playlists to stations that already have the necessary files (see wiki:UC-5 and wiki:UC-6)

- when the network wants to send out multiple files to a single station, such as a combination of individual sound files, exported playlists and scheduled items

- when the network wants to send out multiple files to multiple stations, such as when the network wants to send an exported playlist with the nightly news, a new advertising block

Users at both ends of the transfer process will have a window to track file transfer progress, which will allow them to pause or cancel individual downloads or to stop all downloads. In addition, a global station preference can be set to clear unfinished downloads older than a pre-set amount of time.

File transfers can be set in a number of ways:

- from the scratchpad's context menu

- from the search/browse results window

- from the schedule window

- from the file transfers window

references wiki:UC-3, wiki:UC-4, wiki:UC-5, wiki:UC-6 #1586*

Typical course of events

Actor action System response
1. User selects file for transfer 2. System adds file to transfer queue and sends confirmation message that the file has been added to the transfer queue
3. User opens file transfer window 4. System displays all files being transferred, including their status and options to pause, resume and cancel
5. User selects 'pause' on individual file in file transfer window 6. File transfer pauses
7. User selects 'cancel' on individual file in file transfer window 8. File transfer is cancelled, but item remains in file transfer queue with 'cancelled' status displayed. User has the ability to select 'resume'
9. User selects 'resume' on a paused file in file transfer window 9. File transfer is resumed
10. User selects 'clear all' in file transfer window11. Returns warning asking if user really wants to clear all transfers
12. User selects multiple items for action 13. System acts on multiple items and provides confirmation that all multiple item actions have been performed.

Alternate courses

    • action 1: Connection unavailable. Files are held in the transfer queue until connection resumes.
    • action 2: Disk space is insufficient to hold transferred files. An error message is shown saying "Error: Insufficient disk space available for selected files. Do you want to clear up space on the storage server? [Yes][No]. If yes, and the user has sufficient priveleges, they are taken to the file management window. If no, they are returned to the place they came from.