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Database Naming Conventions

This is a proposal for naming database information for all Campware Products.


Table names

  1. Use lowercase letters only, some databases do not support case sensitivity
  2. Use underscores between words
  3. Use the singular when naming tables (plural names of some words are hard to spell, e.g. referrers, indicies)
  4. Dont abbreviate the words
  5. Junction tables: concatenate the two table names together, with underscore in between

Field Names

  1. Lowercase letters only, some databases do not support case sensitivity
  2. Use underscores between words
  3. Any value that refers to a key: append "_id"
  4. Foriegn keys: prefix with "fk_"
  5. Date fields: prefix with "date_", or "time_"; or "seconds_", "minutes_" if you know the type of data
  6. Boolean: prefix with "is_", or "has_"

Functionality Conventions

  1. Each table should have a "last_modified" TIMESTAMP column as long as it makes sense.
  2. If you need a row creation time, the column name should be named "time_created"
  3. The unique ID column for the table should be called "id"


(note: the "Article Index" table below is not the current article index table – it is a split of the current article table into two tables. By the time we implement this, the current ArticleIndex will no longer exist).

article_index Table

Old Name New Name
*** N/A *** fk_article_id
IdPublication fk_publication_id
NrIssue fk_issue_id
NrSection fk_section_id
Number article_group_id
IdLanguage fk_language_id

article Table

Old Name New Name
*** N/A *** id
Name name
Type type
IdUser fk_user_created_by
OnFrontPage is_on_front_page
OnSection is_on_section_page
Published is_published
PublishedDate date_published
UploadDate date_upload
Keywords keywords
Public is_public
IsIndexed is_indexed
LockUser fk_user_locked_by
LockTime date_locked
ShortName short_url
ArticleOrder order
*** N/A *** last_modified
*** N/A *** time_created

publication Table

Old Name New Name
Id id
Name name
IdDefaultLanguage fk_language_id_default
PayTime time_pay_interval
TimeUnit time_unit
UnitCost unit_cost
Currency currency
TrialTime time_trial
PaidTime time_paid
IdDefaultAlias fk_alias_default
IdURLType fk_urltype
*** N/A *** last_modified
*** N/A *** time_created

Sample Queries

Get the publication info with every article:

SELECT * FROM article_index, article, publication

WHERE article_index.article_id =

AND article_index.fk_publication_id =