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Campware-powered AmmanNet wins gold medal from Pan Arab Media Awards
Campware would like to congratulate AmmanNet, the Arab world's first Internet radio station, for winning the gold medal at the 2006 Pan Arab Media Awards. The ceremony, in its second year, was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Amman Thursday April 28.
The Beirut-registered Awards is supported by the Arab League. The awards aims to "promote the innovative spirit of web designers to meet professional and international standards, to promote intellectual and production opportunities."

Daoud Kuttab, the founder of AmmanNet, hailed the prize as a recognition by the Arab world that the Net can be a strategic instrument to bypass traditional roadblocks to independent media in general and independent radio in particular.

The web designer of Ammannet, Raed Nesheiwat of the Jordanian IT company Tamamtech, says that he was thrilled that the award recognized open source software powering the site. "We have worked hard to customize the content management site using the open source Campsite software initially created by MDLF to be available license-free for use by any interested Arab media entrepreneur." was established in 2000 as an internet radio station. In June 2005 it began broadcasting terrestrially on 92.4 FM in the Amman metropolitan area.
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