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Introducing Holman Romero
Holman Romero is a 29-year old open-source superstar from Bogota, Colombia:

Map of Columbia, South America

He was our top choice from our recent search for PHP programmers, and we are delighted that he has decided to join our team. He is no stranger to the open-source movement...

...he has helped with porting GNU/Hurd to the L4 microkernel, helped with the Spanish translation of the GNU documentation, and is part of the workgroup that decides if a particular package should be included in the GNU system. In addition to this, he has given many technical talks about open-source projects and applications. Currently he is getting up to speed on the Campsite project and will play a major role in making Campsite a pure PHP application for version 3.0.

One of the questions given to all applicants was "Please give an example from previous work experience where you took initiative to make things better (you can define what "better" means).". Holman gave an excellent example of something he did at the last company that he worked at, and ended with this:

"When you think (and you are sure) that something is not going well you
have got to do something, especially if you can. This way, you help and
support your company, your workmates and yourself. In this context
that means *better*."

With this kind of attitude, all of us at Campware will benefit and we hope we all can learn from each other.
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