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Good Karma Guaranteed (and Maybe Money Too)!
Would you like to become a free-software hero and at the same time promote freedom of the press and human rights? Maybe even get paid for doing so? Become part of the Campware developer roster. Read on.
If you are an open source developer willing to help independent news media survive and prosper worldwide, look no further: become part of the Campware developer roster.

Campware's aim is to produce the best software tools for news media battling government oppression or media-conglomerate dominance. This is arguably one of the best causes around. You can help immediately.

As Campware software-development projects are largely funded through project grants, we can't afford to keep large development teams on long-term contracts. We also can't afford to pay for the period spent getting acquainted with our code base (though our handful of core developers will gladly provide a helping hand). At times, however, urgent and exciting projects come our way, carrying bigger or smaller cashloads. So, down the line, we are even able to pay you for your continuing support to a great cause.

HOWTO Earn Good Karma Points:
  1. Get acquainted with our code,
  2. Ask one of our core developers ([email protected]) to assign you one of the outstanding Campsite, LiveSupport, or Docmint tasks. You may even suggest contributing a feature (or features) of your own.
  3. Once you are finished, if the results pass the muster, they will become part of the Campware code base.
  4. If you contribute code, you will have the opportunity to become part of the Campware developer roster.
HOWTO Earn Money:
  1. Once you are on the roster, if projects and grants come our way, we'll come your way and ask you to help.
  2. You will be paid for your help. Compensation may vary from project to project.
If you like what you've read above, you can apply by writing to [email protected].

Posted Saturday, September 9, 2006 by John Perlman
I am not a software developer, but I'd still like to help. Can I still earn some karma points?
Karma points for non-developers
Posted Monday, September 11, 2006 by Paul
Yes, there are a number of other ways to help:

1) Testing (the most important one!) - we never have enough people poking at our applications and trying to break them, as well as doing standard testing

2) Translation - if you know another language, you can help translate the applications

3) Documentation - help improve the manuals

4) Support - if you become good at using the applications, you can help on the mailing lists with tech support (most of the time you dont need to be a developer to help people with this sort of thing)

5) Graphic design & Usability - help improve the interfaces and improve the workflow, make things easier to use, or create new icons for the application. We are always in desparate need of this sort of thing.

- Paul
I am interested
Posted Friday, January 12, 2007 by
After listening to the BBC programme on Campcaster, I knew thats what I have been looking for. I am interested in setting up a Radio station in nigeria some day and your software sound quite interesting. Resident in Sierra Leone, I hope to visit the university Radio soon. Meanwhile, I would be intereset in getting acquainted with your products and development and shall be glad if i could be of any assistance contributing to my earning karma points. I am not a software developer by training but I design simple websites using HTML and Java Script. I am a pan africanist who is thirsty to see africa develop in a sustainable manner with high conciousness for greater hieght inculcated by the children and the youth of the continent. I know that radio is a formidable medium for the change.

Kind regards

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