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Campware at EuroOSCON & Euro Foo Conferences
Campware participated in the O'Reilly Euro Foo Camp and European Open Source conferences from 17-21 September 2006 in Brussels, Belgium. At EuroOSCON, Douglas Arellanes gave a talk entitled "The Campware Initiative - Free Software for Free Media in the Developing World," which was covered on the O'Reilly conferences blog.

Update (Oct 9, 2006): An interview with Doug has been posted on the O'Reilly Network, jump forward to 15:40 in the show to hear it.
Euro Foo Camp LogoAs befits its by-invitation-only status, the Euro Foo event was an interesting mix of open source community leaders, tech entrepeneurs and general visionaries; before the event, most hadn't heard of Campware and its projects. At Foo Camp, Doug got to give a demo of LiveSupport and to talk about the way Campware development processes work.

EuroOSCON simplified banner
EuroOSCON was a larger conference and featured keynotes by Mark Shuttleworth of (father of Ubuntu and first African in space), Adrian Holovaty of the Washington Post and Django projects, Tom Steinberg of the MySociety project, Tor Norretranders and Tim O'Reilly himself.
about_camp.odp - Presentation slides from EuroOSCON 2006
Awesome...yer doing great things.
Posted Wednesday, October 11, 2006 by Grant Phillips
Dou-g!! That was a great interview; and need I say that you're doing some insane stuff. It’s people like you, and the entire Campware team that make positive impacts in this world.

I admire your efforts and courage; you’re awesome.

Oh yeah, and Grams made chorizo con huevos Y papas the other day; you totally missed it –big time!

Yer Cuz G.

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