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Campware is looking for open-source C++/Python developers. We offer a number of benefits that you wont find anywhere else: you will be paid to work on open-source software, you can work from home, and you will have a major voice and impact on the project you are working on. Not only that, but your work will be helping to promote independent media organizations in developing democracies.

You'll be working with a small dynamic team who really believes in what they are doing. We're looking for people who are 1) smart and 2) can get things done.

We're looking for someone who has the following skills and experience:
  • Degree in Computer Science
  • Uses Linux at home and at work
  • C++
  • Python
  • Experience coding (Linux) audio applications
  • Object-oriented design
  • Design patterns
  • Since we do everything online, you should be decent at keeping up this type of communication (chat, irc, email, mailing lists)
Bonus skills/experience:
  • Web application development experience (LAMP stack, with PHP)
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX
  • Involvement in open source projects
Please note that the position will require your full time engagement and therefore we can't hire people who are already working somewhere else. We are great company to work for and are looking for individuals who will join us long-term.

If you are interested, please email: paulbaranowski at gmail dot com AND mugur1973 at yahoo dot com.

Volunteers: Good Karma Guaranteed (and Maybe Money Too)
Would you like to become a free-software hero and at the same time promote freedom of the press and human rights? Maybe even get paid for doing so?
Become part of the Campware volunteer roster.

If you are an open source advocate or developer willing to help independent news media survive and prosper worldwide, look no further: Campware needs you!

Campware's aim is to produce the best software tools for news media battling government oppression and media-conglomerate dominance. This is arguably one of the most important causes around because many opinions, views, and assumptions are created by the media. Only by having a diverse set of views can we have hope to have an open society.

As Campware software-development projects are largely funded through project grants, we can't afford to keep large development teams on long-term contracts. We also can't afford to pay for the period spent getting acquainted with our applications (though our handful of core developers will gladly provide a helping hand). At times, however, urgent and exciting projects come our way, bringing in a sudden flood of capital. At these times we need to bring in people quickly to implement new features, and if we know who you are and know you do good work, we will ask you if you'd like to be hired for the project.

HOWTO Earn Good Karma Points:
  1. Choose an area that interests you:
    1. Software Development - if you like to code in PHP, C++, or Python.
    2. Testing - we can never have too many people poking at our applications and trying to use them to their fullest potential, or trying to break them.
    3. Translation - if you know a language other than English, you can help translate the applications
    4. Documentation - help improve the manuals with screenshots, tips and tricks, and HOWTO recipes
    5. Support - if you become good at using the applications, you can help other users on the mailing lists (most of the time you dont need to be a developer to help people with this sort of thing)
    6. Graphic design & Usability - if you are an artist or graphic designer, even an amateur one, we desperately need your help! We need icons and graphics for both the applications and our web site. We also need help to improve the interfaces and improve the workflow, as well as make things easier to use.
  2. Get involved
    1. Get acquainted with the application(s) you are interested in (and if you are a developer, the code as well)
    2. Ask one of our core developers ([email protected]) to assign you one of the outstanding Campsite, LiveSupport, or Docmint tasks. You may even suggest contributing something of your own.
    3. Participate with the team in accomplishing your goal. Over time we will see the good work you are doing and everyone will get to know each other.
    4. After we've seen your success and good work, we will ask you to help us and pay you whenever a project comes up that needs some extra hands.
If you like what you've read above, you can apply by writing to
[email protected].