The Hardware Reference Platform has been put together by Radio/TV B92’s chief engineer Robert Klajn. Its goal has been to provide a ‘recipe’ of the hardware known to work with Linux and with Campcaster for stations seeking to build a new PC from scratch.
The hardware used includes:
- Mother board: Asus S775 iP965+ Asus P5B CPU Core2 Duo E6300 1.86 Box
- Memory: DDR2 1024/533 TwinMos *2 pieces (total 2 GB RAM)
- Hard disc: HDD-SA2 200GB Western Digital Caviar WD2000JS
- Optical drive: DVR 16/8/16 Pioneer 111 B OEM
- Video card: VK Pex 256 EN7300GT ST Asus
- Case: Midi CoolerMaster Centurion 534 B/BG
- Power: 430W CM Act. iGreen
- 3 Audio cards: Creative SoundBlaster LIVE
Feel free to share your experiences with Linux-compatible hardware on this page, or send your remarks to the Campcaster developers’ list.
For sound card compatibility, check the extensive list of sound cards and support maintained by the ALSA project.