[campcaster-support] [Campcaster Support] Icecast / shoutcast ???

Douglas.Arellanes at mdlf.org Douglas.Arellanes at mdlf.org
Wed Sep 5 20:20:34 CEST 2007

Yes, it's possible to stream to an Icecast/Shoutcast server using Darkice, 
either on a machine that has a sound card dedicated to the task (connected 
via the audio out cable on the playback sound card) or if you have 
hardware capable of using it, you can use the Jack server.
Phillippe Druout wrote a howto for setting up Campcaster with Jack:
and there is also some information about Darkice and Icecast here as part 
of our overall Radio Package installation:
I hope this answers at least some of your questions,
Media Development Loan Fund
Douglas Arellanes
Head of Research and Development
Center for Advanced Media--Prague (CAMP)
Na vinicnich horach 24a/1834, 160 00  Prague 6
Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 2 3333 5356, Fax: +420 2 2431 5419
Mobile: +420 724 073 364
"" <phorum at code.campware.org>
Sent by: campcaster-support-bounces at netfinity-4.mdlf.org
09/05/2007 08:15 PM
Please respond to Support mailing list for the Campcaster software project
        To:     campcaster-support at netfinity-4.mdlf.org
        Subject:        [campcaster-support] [Campcaster Support] Icecast / shoutcast  ???
Author: shamankick
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5707,5707#msg-5707
about the last Campcaster's release and
before trying this software
I've RTFM and making search on this forum but unfortunately don't find 
relating to the possibility of streaming to a shoutcast or Icecast server
hosted on the same machine or not
it's possible ??
thank you
and sorry for my "alpha" english
Sent from Campware Forums
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