[Campcaster Support] Re: [campcaster-support] Icecast / shoutcast ???

Douglas.Arellanes at mdlf.org Douglas.Arellanes at mdlf.org
Wed Sep 5 21:03:57 CEST 2007

Suit yourself. We're here if  you decide you need something a bit 
"" <phorum at code.campware.org>
Sent by: campcaster-support-bounces at netfinity-4.mdlf.org
09/05/2007 08:26 PM
Please respond to Support mailing list for the Campcaster software project
        To:     campcaster-support at netfinity-4.mdlf.org
        Subject:        [Campcaster Support] Re: [campcaster-support] Icecast / shoutcast ???
Author: shamankick
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5708,5709#msg-5709
thank you very very much
seem's to complicated...
=> i'll try Savonet
Sent from Campware Forums
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