[Campcaster Support] Re: [campcaster-support] Icecast / shoutcast ???

Ferenc Gerlits fgerlits at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 00:10:50 CEST 2007

phorum at code.campware.org wrote on 09/05/2007 08:26 PM:
> Author: shamankick
> Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5708,5709#msg-5709
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> thank you very very much
> seem's to complicated...
> => i'll try Savonet

I think that's backwards: Darkice is much simpler, Savonet is bigger and 
more flexible, but more complicated.
You can install Darkice with apt-get from the official repositories on 
Debian or Ubuntu, and it has a GUI for easier configuration (called 
Darksnow); Savonet seems to come in source form only, and uses its own 
scripting language.
On the other hand, to stream a file with Darkice, you need to play it on 
one sound card, and then feed it back to Darkice on another sound card, 
which means decoding and then reencoding (loss of quality).  With 
Savonet you seem to be able to stream files directly, without decoding 
them to audio.
We are partial to Darkice because we have tried it and know that it 
works; it's easy to install; and (full disclosure) it was developed by a 
friend of ours.
For a standalone web radio, Savonet may indeed be what you are looking 
for.  Campcaster was designed for small FM stations, who can add Darkice 
if they want to do streaming as well as regular broadcasting.
Savonet looks interesting, though.  If you try it, we'd like to hear 
about your experiences, so that we'll know whether to recommend it to 
our users as an alternative to Darkice.

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