[campcaster-support] Compile Error (CentOS v5 & Fedora Core v7)

Ferenc Gerlits fgerlits at gmail.com
Tue Sep 11 21:59:33 CEST 2007

It looks like you don't have the 'genrb' executable in your path.
This is very strange since /usr/bin/genrb is part of the icu package.
Is the icu package installed?  You need both icu and icu-devel (and
similarly both xxx and xxx-devel for all the other libraries).
After you have found your genrb executable, the 1.2.0 tarball is still
not going to work, because of a bug in Campcaster 1.2.0.  I have just
uploaded a 1.2.1 bugfix release to Sourceforge; please use that
On 9/11/07, spider <spider at 673inc.com> wrote:
> I did as you have requested:
> I removed all files relating to Campcaster, including the generated ones in
> /usr/local and just to be safe pulled the tar files again (both the
> campcaster tar and the libraries from the SourceForge provided links.)
> I double checked (seeing as this is now a Fedora Care 7 system) that all
> the required packages and developmental libraries were installed from
> http://campcaster-doc.campware.org/developmentTools.html.
> Performed `./configure --prefix=/usr/local/campster` (I logged that output
> in case you need it as well.)
> Performed `make install &> ~/install.log`
> If you require any more please let me know!
> (Yes, I'm probably over documenting this a bit but I don't want to miss
> anything.)
> Thanks again!

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