[campcaster-support] [Campcaster Support] libicu34

phorum at code.campware.org phorum at code.campware.org
Wed Sep 19 22:44:47 CEST 2007

Author: cleavo
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5740,5740#msg-5740
Greetings, all!
Trying to install on Ubuntu 7.4, and am getting the following error:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  campcaster-station: Depends: libicu34 but it is not installable
                      Depends: libicu34 but it is not installable
  campcaster-studio: Depends: libicu34 but it is not installable
                     Depends: libicu34 but it is not installable
Upon further investigation, I've found that libicu34 seems to have been replaced by libicu36. I even tried to install the old libicu34, both with apt-get (which deferred me to libicu36), and by 'make' ing it from source, but even after rebooting (in case libicu34 had to be loaded or some such), I still have the same error. Is there ANY way to get libicu34 on Ubuntu 7.4, or to get campcaster install to recognize libicu36?
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