[Campcaster Support] Re: [campcaster-support] libicu34

phorum at code.campware.org phorum at code.campware.org
Thu Sep 20 00:25:18 CEST 2007

Author: cleavo
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5742,5743#msg-5743
LOL It's okay; I verbalize words all the time (see, I just did it!).
Meanwhile, I added the feisty line, but does that location actually exist? Now when I:
"sudo apt-get install campcaster-libs campcaster-station campcaster-studio"
I'm getting:
"E: Couldn't find package campcaster-libs"
as if the location is invalid - or, I guess more accurately, is valid but doesn't contain campcaster-libs, campcaster-station or campcaster-studio (yes, I tried each one independently as well).
Sent from Campware Forums

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