[Campcaster Support] Re: [campcaster-support] Re: Campcaster scheduler - First Start-up Error

Ferenc Gerlits fgerlits at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 10:44:29 CEST 2007

phorum at code.campware.org wrote on 09/20/2007 10:40 PM:
> Author: The_Spider
> Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5736,5754#msg-5754
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I don't know if re-running postInstallStation.sh will be disruptive

No, that should be OK.
 > I did not however see any script attached to your messages.
The mailing list system ate it.  Here it is in another form: 
> Here is the output of the re-run postInstallStation.sh, and the command that called it:
> # ./postInstallStation.sh --directory=/usr/local/campcaster --postgresql-dir=/var/lib/pgsql/data --www-root /var/www/html
> Making post-install steps for Campcaster Station.
> Using the following installation parameters:
> Done.

This looks good.  Please try the testCampcasterStorage.pl script.
> As I mentioned before I am really excited about converting our station over to campcaster and that you guys are so kind and happy to help. We may only be a LPFM station but I'll be happy to be included to your list of stations when everything is finished!

That would be excellent; we need small stations to test Campcaster, so 
we can fix any problems that are still there, and later be able to 
recommend it to bigger stations.  Thank you for helping.

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