[Campcaster Support] Re: RE: Re: [campcaster-support] libicu34

phorum at code.campware.org phorum at code.campware.org
Sat Sep 22 03:44:27 CEST 2007

Author: cleavo
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5741,5756#msg-5756
LMAO!! Well, of course it turns out you're exactly right, and I'm an id10t. An RHCE id10t, but still....(I know that doesn't count for a whole lot in the ubuntu universe) ;)
I discovered this fact, BTW, after starting all over again with ubuntustudio, after a somewhat colossal (can colossal *be* 'somewhat'?)kubuntu failure...
All of this, of course, means I'll likely be back...
Sent from Campware Forums

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