[campcaster-support] [Campcaster Support] "Cannont connect to scheduler" and "Can't find configuration file"

phorum at code.campware.org phorum at code.campware.org
Sat Sep 22 04:56:49 CEST 2007

Author: cleavo
Link:  https://www.campware.org/phorum/read.php?20,5757,5757#msg-5757
Told you I'd be back! :)
Install seems to have been successful, using apt-get (with some help!) on ubuntustudio feisty, freshly installed and updated. Web access to Campcaster seems to work, I get the site and login, and can navigate around, but any time I try to do anything with the scheduler, I get the pop-up error "Cannot connect to the scheduler."
Also, attempting to launch Campcaster Studio from the icon unsuccessful (nothing happens at all), so in searching the forums I found the command line equivalent:
which returns:
Can't find configuration file.
Campcaster-Studio 1.2.1
Copyright (c) 2004 Media Development Loan Fund under the GNU GPL
using configuration file:  
/opt/campcaster/bin/campcaster-studio: option requires an argument -- c
Campcaster-Studio 1.2.1
Usage: /opt/campcaster/bin/campcaster-studio 
  mandatory options:
  -c, --config=file.name   scheduler configuration file
  optional options:
  -h, --help               display this help and exit
  -v, --version            display version information and exit
Report bugs to bugs at campware.org
I've read through the docs - was I supposed to create a config file at some point? I thought maybe logging into the webUI and saving some settings might do that, but it didn't help.
I'm sure this is something stupid, but please - help anyway? :)
Thanks again,
Sent from Campware Forums

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