[cream-bugs] [Cream] #664: Managing roles

cream-bugs at lists.campware.org cream-bugs at lists.campware.org
Tue Apr 4 17:20:57 CEST 2006

#664: Managing roles
       Id:  664             |      Status:  new                     
Component:  User Interface  |    Modified:  Tue Apr  4 17:20:56 2006
 Severity:  tweak           |   Milestone:  2.1                     
 Priority:  normal          |     Version:  1.0                     
    Owner:  anonymous       |    Reporter:  Andilek                 
 Managing roles is painful.
 1) Is it possible to change rights in a way "right to modify includes
 right to view" this would simplify a lot
 2) Is it possible to sort the list somehow? I would like to add what is
 missing, but searching what I have and what I have not is difficult.
 3) Is it possible to tweak the list of rights if you try to modify it?
 whenever you enter the list, the order of fields is random and It is
 imposible to find what you wish to change
 or better, is it possible to change this system from scratch? In my
 opinion the best would be to have 2 boxes: Unassigned rights and Assigned
 rights. You would be able to select the right from any of them and by
 clicking to move button it will move the right to the second box.
 this way you would know exactly what rights is the role missing and what
 it have. if you make this ordered by alphabet, it would be very intuitive
 in my eyes.
Ticket URL: <https://www.campware.org/projects/cream/ticket/664>
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