Element | Exists in DC Metadata? | Field name (+DC Equivalent) |
URI | Modifies | Exists in Tech3293? | |
Creator | Yes | dc:creator | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator | Exists | ||
Creator.Role | No | – |
Exists | |||
Creator.Role.Conductor | Maybe | ls:conductor (by TH instead of dcterms:contributor:conductor) | http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor | New | Modifies Creator.Role |
Creator.Role.Lyricist | Maybe | ls:lyricist (by TH instead of dcterms:contributor:lyricist) | http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html | |||
Date.Created | Yes | dcterms:created (by TH instead of dcterms:date:created) | http://purl.org/dc/terms/1.1/created | |||
Date.Year | Yes | ls:year (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal:year) | http://purl.org/dc/terms/1.1/temporal | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/coverage | Exists | |
Description | Yes | dc:description | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description | Exists | ||
Description.ArtistURL | No | ls:artisturl | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.AudioFileInfoURL | No | ls:audiofileinfourl | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.AudioSourceURL | No | ls:audiosourceurl | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.BuyCDURL | No | ls:buycdurl | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.Lyrics | No | ls:lyrics | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.Mood | No | ls:mood | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.RadioStationURL | No | ls:radiostationurl | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.Rating | No | ls:rating | New | Modifies Description | ||
Description.BPM | No | ls:bpm | ||||
Format | Yes | dc:format | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format | Exists | ||
Format.CRC | No | ls:crc | New | Modifies Format | ||
Format.Extent | No | dcterms:extent | New | Modifies Format | ||
Format.Medium.Bitrate | No | ls:bitrate | New | Modifies Format | ||
Format.Medium.Channels | No | ls:channels | New | Modifies Format | ||
Format.Medium.Encoder | No | ls:encoder | New | Modifies Format | ||
Format.Medium.Samplerate | No | ls:samplerate | New | Modifies Format | ||
Identifier | Yes | dc:identifier | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format | |||
Identifier.CatalogNumber | No | ls:catalognumber | New | Modifies Identifier | ||
Identifier.ISRCNumber | No | ls:isrcnumber | New | Modifies Identifier | ||
Identifier.URL | No | ? | New | Modifies Identifier | ||
Publisher | Yes | dc:publisher | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier | Exists | ||
Rights | Yes | ls:copyright ??? | Exists | |||
Source.Album | Yes | dc:source | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/source | New | Modifies Source | |
Source.Album.DiscNumber | No | ls:disc_num | New | Modifies Source | ||
Source.Album.TrackNumber | No | ls:track_num | New | Modifies Source | ||
Title | Yes | dc:title | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title | Exists | ||
New | Modifies Type | |||||
Type.Genre | Yes | dc:type (by TH instead of dcterms:type:sound) | http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Sound | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type | New | Modifies Type |
Language | Yes | dc:language | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language | |||
maybe this is helpful for playlist? | dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:relation:ispartof) | http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf | http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/relation |
ID3v2 name | LS field label | LS field name | Type | Comment | |
Main Tab | Weight | ||||
Title | Title | dc:title | Text | 250 | |
Artist | Creator | dc:creator | Text | 200 | |
Genre | Genre | dc:type (by TH instead of dcterms:type:sound) | Menu | 40 | |
File format | dc:format | Menu | File, live stream, networked file (TH: It looks like category for MIME type, isn’t it?) |
10 | |
Duration | Length | dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dc:format:extent) | Time | Automatically generated | 0 |
500 | |||||
Hidden/Unused fields | |||||
URL | Identifier.URL | URL | Not used in LS 1.0 | ||
File | Identifier.File | Text | Generated automatically by system on input |
ID3v2 name | LS field label | LS field name | Type | Comment | Weight | |
Music Basic Tab | ||||||
TIT2, Title | Title | dc:title | Text | 250 | see main | |
TPE1, Artist | Creator | dc:creator | Text | 200 | see main | |
TALB, Album | Album | dc:source | Text | 50 | ||
TYER, Year | Year | ls:year (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal:year) | Menu | TH: may be extracted from dcterms:temporal |
50 | |
TCON, Genre | Genre | dc:type | Menu | 40 | see main | |
COMM, Comment | Description | dc:description | Longtext | 200 | ||
Format | dc:format | Menu | File, live stream, networked file | 10 | see main | |
TBPM | BPM | ls:bpm | Number | Type or Description? | 10 | |
POPM, Rating | Rating | ls:rating | Number | Number of stars | 50 | |
????, Duration | Length | dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dcterms:format:extent) | Time | 0 | see main | |
Music Advanced Tab | ||||||
TENC, Encoded by | Encoded by | ls:encoded_by (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Encoder) | Text | count as creator | ||
TRCK, Track # | Track number | ls:track_num (by TH instead of Source.Album.TrackNumber) | Menu | count as source.album | ||
TPOS, Disc # | Disc number | ls:disc_num (by TH instead of Source.Album.DiscNumber) | Menu | count as source.album | ||
TMOO, Mood | Mood | ls:mood (by TH instead of Description.Mood) | Menu | count as description | ||
TPUB, Label | Label | dc:publisher | Text | 100 | ||
TCOM, Composer | Composer | ls:composer (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Composer) | Text | count as creator | ||
????, Bitrate | Bitrate | ls:bitrate (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Bitrate) | Number | 0 | ||
????, Channels | Channels | ls:channels (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Channels) | Menu | Mono, Stereo, 5.1? | 0 | |
????, Samplerate | Sample rate | ls:samplerate (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Samplerate) | Menu | 0 | ||
TSSE, Encoder | Encoder software used | ls:encoder (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Encoder) | Text | Name of encoder software | 0 | |
????, CRC | Checksum | ls:crc (by TH instead of Format.CRC) | Number | Checksum | 0 | |
????, Lyrics | Lyrics | ls:lyrics (by TH instead of Description.Lyrics) | Longtext | count as description | ||
TPE2, Orchestra or band | Orchestra or band | ls:orchestra (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Orchestra) | Text | count as creator | ||
TPE3, Conductor | Conductor | ls:conductor (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Conductor) | Text | count as creator | ||
TEXT, Lyricist | Lyricist | ls:lyricist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Lyricist) | Text | count as creator | ||
TOLY, Original lyricist | Original lyricist | ls:originallyricist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist) | Text | count as creator | ||
TRSN, Radio station name | Radio station name | ls:radiostationname (by TH instead of Creator.Role.RadioStationName) | Text | Automatically generated from | count as creator | |
WOAF, Audio file information webpage | Audio file information web page | ls:audiofileinfourl (by TH instead of Description.AudioFileInfoURL) | URL | count as description | ||
WOAR, Artist webpage | Artist web page | ls:artisturl (by TH instead of Description.ArtistURL) | URL | count as description | ||
WOAS, Audio source webpage | Audio source web page | ls:audiosourceurl (by TH instead of Description.AudioSourceURL) | URL | Creator or Publisher? | count as description | |
WORS, Radio station webpage | Radio station web page | ls:radiostationurl (by TH instead of Description.RadioStationURL) | URL | count as description | ||
WPAY, Buy CD webpage | Buy CD web page | ls:buycdurl (by TH instead of Description.BuyCDURL) | URL | count as description | ||
TSRC, ISRC # | ISRC number | ls:isrcnumber (by TH instead of Identifier.ISRCNumber) | Number | 20 | ||
????, Catalog # | Catalog number | ls:catalognumber (by TH instead of Identifier.CatalogNumber) | Number | 20 | ||
TOPE, Original Artist | Original artist | ls:originalartist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.OriginalArtist) | Text | count as creator | ||
TCOP, Copyright | Copyright | dc:rights or ls:license ? (by TH instead of dc:rights:license) | Text | 0 | ||
1000 | ||||||
Hidden/Unused fields | ||||||
URL | ? (by TH instead of Identifier.URL) | URL | Not used in LS 1.0 | |||
File | ls:filename (by TH instead of Identifier.File) | Text | Generated automatically by system on input TH: menmonic filename in storageServer ? |
Is part of (for playlists) | dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:resource:ispartof) | Text | Generated automatically by system on inclusion in playlist | |||
Requires (for playlists) | dcterms:requires (by TH instead of dcterms:resource:requires) | Text | Generated automatically by system on inclusion in playlist |
LS field label | LS Field name (based on Dublin Core) | Type | Comment | Weight | |
Talk Basic Tab | |||||
Title | dc:title | Text | File or playlist title name | 250 | |
Report date/time | dcterms:temporal (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal) | Time/Date | Keywords for what the report covers; time the report is about | ||
Report location | dcterms:spatial (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:spatial) | Text | Keywords for what the report covers; place the report is about | ||
Report organizations | dcterms:entity (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:entity) | Text | Keywords for what the report covers | 150 | All coverage tags share same weighting. Future version should support Yahoo-style ontology |
Description | dc:description | Long text | Account of the content; could be an abstract, a script, etc. | 200 | |
Creator | dc:creator | Menu | Name of creator (could be reporter, editor, moderator): Automatically generate menu from user names? | 100 | |
Subject | dc:subject | Text | Topic of the content as keywords; a person can be a subject too | 200 | |
Genre | dc:type | Menu | Genre of the content or resource | 50 | |
Format | dc:format | Menu | Stream, file, networked file | 0 | |
Talk Advanced Tab | |||||
Contributor | dc:contributor | Text | Entity making contributions to the content of the resource (could be person, organization or service) | 50 | |
Language | dc:language | Menu | Language of the file, according to W3C RFC 1766 | 0 | |
Copyright | dc:rights | Menu | Can include URL pointing to copyright or CC license info | 0 | |
Automatically-generated fields | |||||
dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:relation:ispartof) | Text | Whether the report is related to other reports (part of a playlist, for example) | |||
dc:date | Date | Date file was created (if report is about a time, that goes in coverage) | |||
dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dcterms:format:extent) | Time | Length of file in hours, minutes and seconds. | |||
dc:identifier | Text? | Unique filesystem ID, probably file name GUNID | |||
dc:publisher | Text | Station name; take from Station Preferences/Station Name | |||
? (by TH instead of Source) | Text | Not used in LS1.0 | |||
1000 |
ID3v2 name | Tech 3293 name | Type | Comment | |
Main | ||||
File | Identifier.File | Text | ||
Title | Title | Text | ||
Artist | Creator | Text | ||
Album | Source.Album | Text | ||
Year | Date.Year | Date | ||
Genre | Type.Genre | Text | ||
Comment | Description | Longtext | ||
Composer | Creator.Role.Composer | Text | ||
Original Artist | Creator.Role.OriginalArtist | Text | ||
Copyright | Rights.Copyright | Text | ||
URL | Identifier.URL | URL | ||
Encoded by | Creator.Role.Encoder | Text | ||
Track # | Source.Album.TrackNumber | Number | ||
Disc # | Source.Album.DiscNumber | Number | ||
Rating | Description.Rating | Number | Number of stars | |
Mood | Description.Mood | Text | ||
BPM | Type.BPM | Number | Type or Description? | |
File Information | ||||
Duration | Format.Extent | Time | ||
Bitrate | Format.Medium.Bitrate | Number | ||
Channels | Format.Medium.Channels | Text | Mono, Stereo, 5.1? | |
Samplerate | Format.Medium.Samplerate | Number | ||
Encoder | Format.Medium.Encoder | Text | Name of encoder software | |
CRC | Format.CRC | Number | Checksum | |
Format | Text | File, live stream, networked file | ||
Lyrics | Description.Lyrics | Longtext | ||
Additional | ||||
Orchestra or band | Creator.Role.Orchestra | Text | ||
Conductor | Creator.Role.Conductor | Text | ||
Lyricist | Creator.Role.Lyricist | Text | ||
Original lyricist | Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist | Text | ||
Label | Publisher | Text | ||
Radio station name | Creator.Role.RadioStationName | Text | Creator or Publisher? | |
Audio file information webpage | Description.AudioFileInfoURL | URL | ||
Artist webpage | Description.ArtistURL | URL | ||
Audio source webpage | Description.AudioSourceURL | URL | ||
Radio station webpage | Description.RadioStationURL | URL | ||
Buy CD webpage | Description.BuyCDURL | URL | ||
ISRC # | Identifier.ISRCNumber | Number | ||
Catalog # | Identifier.CatalogNumber | Number |
Field name | Type | Comment |
Title | Text | File or playlist title name |
Creator | Text | Name of creator (could be reporter, editor, moderator) |
Subject | Text | Topic of the content as keywords; a persons who is the subject can go here too) |
Description | Long text | Account of the content; could be an abstract, a script, etc. |
Publisher | Text | Station name; take from Station Preferences/Station Name |
Contributor | Text | Entity making contributions to the content of the resource (could be person, organization or service) |
Date | Date | Date file was created (if report is about a time, that goes in coverage) |
Type | Text | Genre of the content or resource |
Format | Text | Stream, file, networked file |
Identifier | Text? | Unique ID, probably file name GUNID |
Source | Text | Not used in 1.0 |
Language | Text | Language of the file, according to W3C RFC 1766 |
Relation | Text | Whether the report is related to other reports (part of a playlist, for example) |
Coverage | Text | What the report covers; could include time, place, organization (beat) |
Rights | Text | Can include URL pointing to copyright or CC license info |
ID3v2 name | Tech 3293 name | Type | Comment | ||||||
Main | |||||||||
File | Identifier.File | Text | |||||||
Element | Exists in Tech3293? | ||||||||
Artist | Creator | Text | Creator | Exists | |||||
Composer | Creator.Role.Composer | Text | Creator.Role | Exists | |||||
Conductor | Creator.Role.Conductor | Text | Creator.Role.Conductor | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Encoded by | Creator.Role.Encoder | Text | Creator.Role.Encoder | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Lyricist | Creator.Role.Lyricist | Text | Creator.Role.Lyricist | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Orchestra or band | Creator.Role.Orchestra | Text | Creator.Role.Orchestra | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Original Artist | Creator.Role.OriginalArtist | Text | Creator.Role.OriginalArtist | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Original lyricist | Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist | Text | Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist | New | Modifies Creator.Role | ||||
Radio station name | Creator.Role.RadioStationName | Text | Creator or Publisher? | Creator.Role.RadioStationName | New | Modifies Creator.Role | |||
Year | Date.Year | Date | Date.Year | Exists | |||||
Comment | Description | Longtext | Description | Exists | |||||
Artist webpage | Description.ArtistURL | URL | Description.ArtistURL | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Audio file information webpage | Description.AudioFileInfoURL | URL | Description.AudioFileInfoURL | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Audio source webpage | Description.AudioSourceURL | URL | Description.AudioSourceURL | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Buy CD webpage | Description.BuyCDURL | URL | Description.BuyCDURL | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Lyrics | Description.Lyrics | Longtext | Description.Lyrics | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Mood | Description.Mood | Text | Description.Mood | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Radio station webpage | Description.RadioStationURL | URL | Description.RadioStationURL | New | Modifies Description | ||||
Rating | Description.Rating | Number | Number of stars | Description.Rating | New | Modifies Description | |||
Format | Text | File, live stream, networked file | Format | Exists | |||||
CRC | Format.CRC | Number | Checksum | Format.CRC | New | Modifies Format | |||
Duration | Format.Extent | Time | Format.Extent | Modifies Format | |||||
Bitrate | Format.Medium.Bitrate | Number | Format.Medium.Bitrate | Modifies Format | |||||
Channels | Format.Medium.Channels | Text | Mono, Stereo, 5.1? | Format.Medium.Channels | Modifies Format | ||||
Encoder | Format.Medium.Encoder | Text | Name of encoder software | Format.Medium.Encoder | Modifies Format | ||||
Samplerate | Format.Medium.Samplerate | Number | Format.Medium.Samplerate | Modifies Format | |||||
Catalog # | Identifier.CatalogNumber | Number | Identifier.CatalogNumber | New | Modifies Identifier | ||||
ISRC # | Identifier.ISRCNumber | Number | Identifier.ISRCNumber | New | Modifies Identifier | ||||
URL | Identifier.URL | URL | Identifier.URL | New | Modifies Identifier | ||||
Label | Publisher | Text | Publisher | Exists | |||||
Copyright | Rights.Copyright | Text | Rights.Copyright | Exists | |||||
Album | Source.Album | Text | Source.Album | New | Modifies Source | ||||
Disc # | Source.Album.DiscNumber | Number | Source.Album.DiscNumber | New | Modifies Source | ||||
Track # | Source.Album.TrackNumber | Number | Source.Album.TrackNumber | New | Modifies Source | ||||
Title | Title | Text | Title | Exists | |||||
BPM | Type.BPM | Number | Type or Description? | Type.BPM | New | Modifies Type | |||
Genre | Type.Genre | Text | Type.Genre | New | Modifies Type | ||||
File Information | |||||||||
Additional |