
DC terms
Music tabs
Talk tabs
Music _ Raw fields
News _ Raw fields
Music _ Element extensions

Sheet 1: DC terms

Element Exists in DC Metadata? Field name
(+DC Equivalent)
URI Modifies Exists in Tech3293?

Creator Yes dc:creator http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator
Creator.Role No

Creator.Role.Conductor Maybe ls:conductor (by TH instead of dcterms:contributor:conductor) http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/contributor New Modifies Creator.Role
Creator.Role.Lyricist Maybe ls:lyricist (by TH instead of dcterms:contributor:lyricist) http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcecode/relator/relatorlist.html

Date.Created Yes dcterms:created (by TH instead of dcterms:date:created) http://purl.org/dc/terms/1.1/created

Date.Year Yes ls:year (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal:year) http://purl.org/dc/terms/1.1/temporal http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/coverage Exists
Description Yes dc:description http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description
Description.ArtistURL No ls:artisturl

New Modifies Description
Description.AudioFileInfoURL No ls:audiofileinfourl

New Modifies Description
Description.AudioSourceURL No ls:audiosourceurl

New Modifies Description
Description.BuyCDURL No ls:buycdurl

New Modifies Description
Description.Lyrics No ls:lyrics

New Modifies Description
Description.Mood No ls:mood

New Modifies Description
Description.RadioStationURL No ls:radiostationurl

New Modifies Description
Description.Rating No ls:rating

New Modifies Description
Description.BPM No ls:bpm

Format Yes dc:format http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format
Format.CRC No ls:crc

New Modifies Format
Format.Extent No dcterms:extent

New Modifies Format
Format.Medium.Bitrate No ls:bitrate

New Modifies Format
Format.Medium.Channels No ls:channels

New Modifies Format
Format.Medium.Encoder No ls:encoder

New Modifies Format
Format.Medium.Samplerate No ls:samplerate

New Modifies Format
Identifier Yes dc:identifier http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/format

Identifier.CatalogNumber No ls:catalognumber

New Modifies Identifier
Identifier.ISRCNumber No ls:isrcnumber

New Modifies Identifier
Identifier.URL No ?

New Modifies Identifier
Publisher Yes dc:publisher http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier
Rights Yes ls:copyright ???

Source.Album Yes dc:source http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/source
New Modifies Source
Source.Album.DiscNumber No ls:disc_num

New Modifies Source
Source.Album.TrackNumber No ls:track_num

New Modifies Source
Title Yes dc:title http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title

New Modifies Type
Type.Genre Yes dc:type (by TH instead of dcterms:type:sound) http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Sound http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/type New Modifies Type
Language Yes dc:language http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/language

maybe this is helpful for playlist?
dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:relation:ispartof) http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/relation

Sheet 2: Main

ID3v2 name LS field label LS field name Type Comment

Main Tab

Title Title dc:title Text
Artist Creator dc:creator Text
Genre Genre dc:type (by TH instead of dcterms:type:sound) Menu

File format dc:format Menu File, live stream, networked file
(TH: It looks like category for MIME type, isn’t it?)
Duration Length dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dc:format:extent) Time Automatically generated 0


Hidden/Unused fields

Identifier.URL URL Not used in LS 1.0
Identifier.File Text Generated automatically by system on input

Sheet 3: Music tabs

ID3v2 name LS field label LS field name Type Comment Weight

Music Basic Tab

TIT2, Title Title dc:title Text
250 see main
TPE1, Artist Creator dc:creator Text
200 see main
TALB, Album Album dc:source Text
TYER, Year Year ls:year (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal:year) Menu TH: may be extracted from dcterms:temporal
TCON, Genre Genre dc:type Menu
40 see main
COMM, Comment Description dc:description Longtext

Format dc:format Menu File, live stream, networked file 10 see main
TBPM BPM ls:bpm Number Type or Description? 10
POPM, Rating Rating ls:rating Number Number of stars 50
????, Duration Length dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dcterms:format:extent) Time
0 see main

Music Advanced Tab

TENC, Encoded by Encoded by ls:encoded_by (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Encoder) Text

count as creator
TRCK, Track # Track number ls:track_num (by TH instead of Source.Album.TrackNumber) Menu

count as source.album
TPOS, Disc # Disc number ls:disc_num (by TH instead of Source.Album.DiscNumber) Menu

count as source.album
TMOO, Mood Mood ls:mood (by TH instead of Description.Mood) Menu

count as description
TPUB, Label Label dc:publisher Text
TCOM, Composer Composer ls:composer (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Composer) Text

count as creator
????, Bitrate Bitrate ls:bitrate (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Bitrate) Number
????, Channels Channels ls:channels (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Channels) Menu Mono, Stereo, 5.1? 0
????, Samplerate Sample rate ls:samplerate (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Samplerate) Menu
TSSE, Encoder Encoder software used ls:encoder (by TH instead of Format.Medium.Encoder) Text Name of encoder software 0
????, CRC Checksum ls:crc (by TH instead of Format.CRC) Number Checksum 0
????, Lyrics Lyrics ls:lyrics (by TH instead of Description.Lyrics) Longtext

count as description
TPE2, Orchestra or band Orchestra or band ls:orchestra (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Orchestra) Text

count as creator
TPE3, Conductor Conductor ls:conductor (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Conductor) Text

count as creator
TEXT, Lyricist Lyricist ls:lyricist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.Lyricist) Text

count as creator
TOLY, Original lyricist Original lyricist ls:originallyricist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist) Text

count as creator
TRSN, Radio station name Radio station name ls:radiostationname (by TH instead of Creator.Role.RadioStationName) Text Automatically generated from
count as creator
WOAF, Audio file information webpage Audio file information web page ls:audiofileinfourl (by TH instead of Description.AudioFileInfoURL) URL

count as description
WOAR, Artist webpage Artist web page ls:artisturl (by TH instead of Description.ArtistURL) URL

count as description
WOAS, Audio source webpage Audio source web page ls:audiosourceurl (by TH instead of Description.AudioSourceURL) URL Creator or Publisher?
count as description
WORS, Radio station webpage Radio station web page ls:radiostationurl (by TH instead of Description.RadioStationURL) URL

count as description
WPAY, Buy CD webpage Buy CD web page ls:buycdurl (by TH instead of Description.BuyCDURL) URL

count as description
TSRC, ISRC # ISRC number ls:isrcnumber (by TH instead of Identifier.ISRCNumber) Number
????, Catalog # Catalog number ls:catalognumber (by TH instead of Identifier.CatalogNumber) Number
TOPE, Original Artist Original artist ls:originalartist (by TH instead of Creator.Role.OriginalArtist) Text
count as creator
TCOP, Copyright Copyright dc:rights or ls:license ? (by TH instead of dc:rights:license) Text

Hidden/Unused fields

? (by TH instead of Identifier.URL) URL Not used in LS 1.0

ls:filename (by TH instead of Identifier.File) Text Generated automatically by system on input
TH: menmonic filename in storageServer ?

Is part of (for playlists)
dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:resource:ispartof) Text Generated automatically by system on inclusion in playlist

Requires (for playlists)
dcterms:requires (by TH instead of dcterms:resource:requires) Text Generated automatically by system on inclusion in playlist

Sheet 4: Talk tabs

LS field label LS Field name (based on Dublin Core) Type Comment Weight

Talk Basic Tab

Title dc:title Text File or playlist title name 250
Report date/time dcterms:temporal (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:temporal) Time/Date Keywords for what the report covers; time the report is about

Report location dcterms:spatial (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:spatial) Text Keywords for what the report covers; place the report is about

Report organizations dcterms:entity (by TH instead of dcterms:coverage:entity) Text Keywords for what the report covers 150 All coverage tags share same weighting. Future version should support Yahoo-style ontology
Description dc:description Long text Account of the content; could be an abstract, a script, etc. 200
Creator dc:creator Menu Name of creator (could be reporter, editor, moderator): Automatically generate menu from user names? 100
Subject dc:subject Text Topic of the content as keywords; a person can be a subject too 200
Genre dc:type Menu Genre of the content or resource 50
Format dc:format Menu Stream, file, networked file 0

Talk Advanced Tab

Contributor dc:contributor Text Entity making contributions to the content of the resource (could be person, organization or service) 50
Language dc:language Menu Language of the file, according to W3C RFC 1766 0
Copyright dc:rights Menu Can include URL pointing to copyright or CC license info 0

Automatically-generated fields

dcterms:ispartof (by TH instead of dcterms:relation:ispartof) Text Whether the report is related to other reports (part of a playlist, for example)

dc:date Date Date file was created (if report is about a time, that goes in coverage)

dcterms:extent (by TH instead of dcterms:format:extent) Time Length of file in hours, minutes and seconds.

dc:identifier Text? Unique filesystem ID, probably file name GUNID

dc:publisher Text Station name; take from Station Preferences/Station Name

? (by TH instead of Source) Text Not used in LS1.0


Sheet 5: Music _ Raw fields

ID3v2 name Tech 3293 name Type Comment

File Identifier.File Text

Title Title Text

Artist Creator Text

Album Source.Album Text

Year Date.Year Date

Genre Type.Genre Text

Comment Description Longtext

Composer Creator.Role.Composer Text

Original Artist Creator.Role.OriginalArtist Text

Copyright Rights.Copyright Text

URL Identifier.URL URL

Encoded by Creator.Role.Encoder Text

Track # Source.Album.TrackNumber Number

Disc # Source.Album.DiscNumber Number

Rating Description.Rating Number Number of stars

Mood Description.Mood Text

BPM Type.BPM Number Type or Description?

File Information

Duration Format.Extent Time

Bitrate Format.Medium.Bitrate Number

Channels Format.Medium.Channels Text Mono, Stereo, 5.1?

Samplerate Format.Medium.Samplerate Number

Encoder Format.Medium.Encoder Text Name of encoder software

CRC Format.CRC Number Checksum

Format Text File, live stream, networked file

Lyrics Description.Lyrics Longtext


Orchestra or band Creator.Role.Orchestra Text

Conductor Creator.Role.Conductor Text

Lyricist Creator.Role.Lyricist Text

Original lyricist Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist Text

Label Publisher Text

Radio station name Creator.Role.RadioStationName Text Creator or Publisher?

Audio file information webpage Description.AudioFileInfoURL URL

Artist webpage Description.ArtistURL URL

Audio source webpage Description.AudioSourceURL URL

Radio station webpage Description.RadioStationURL URL

Buy CD webpage Description.BuyCDURL URL

ISRC # Identifier.ISRCNumber Number

Catalog # Identifier.CatalogNumber Number

Sheet 6: News _ Raw fields

Field name Type Comment
Title Text File or playlist title name
Creator Text Name of creator (could be reporter, editor, moderator)
Subject Text Topic of the content as keywords; a persons who is the subject can go here too)
Description Long text Account of the content; could be an abstract, a script, etc.
Publisher Text Station name; take from Station Preferences/Station Name
Contributor Text Entity making contributions to the content of the resource (could be person, organization or service)
Date Date Date file was created (if report is about a time, that goes in coverage)
Type Text Genre of the content or resource
Format Text Stream, file, networked file
Identifier Text? Unique ID, probably file name GUNID
Source Text Not used in 1.0
Language Text Language of the file, according to W3C RFC 1766
Relation Text Whether the report is related to other reports (part of a playlist, for example)
Coverage Text What the report covers; could include time, place, organization (beat)
Rights Text Can include URL pointing to copyright or CC license info

Sheet 7: Music _ Element extensions

ID3v2 name Tech 3293 name Type Comment


File Identifier.File Text

Element Exists in Tech3293?

Artist Creator Text

Creator Exists

Composer Creator.Role.Composer Text

Creator.Role Exists

Conductor Creator.Role.Conductor Text

Creator.Role.Conductor New Modifies Creator.Role

Encoded by Creator.Role.Encoder Text

Creator.Role.Encoder New Modifies Creator.Role

Lyricist Creator.Role.Lyricist Text

Creator.Role.Lyricist New Modifies Creator.Role

Orchestra or band Creator.Role.Orchestra Text

Creator.Role.Orchestra New Modifies Creator.Role

Original Artist Creator.Role.OriginalArtist Text

Creator.Role.OriginalArtist New Modifies Creator.Role

Original lyricist Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist Text

Creator.Role.OriginalLyricist New Modifies Creator.Role

Radio station name Creator.Role.RadioStationName Text Creator or Publisher?

Creator.Role.RadioStationName New Modifies Creator.Role

Year Date.Year Date

Date.Year Exists

Comment Description Longtext

Description Exists

Artist webpage Description.ArtistURL URL

Description.ArtistURL New Modifies Description

Audio file information webpage Description.AudioFileInfoURL URL

Description.AudioFileInfoURL New Modifies Description

Audio source webpage Description.AudioSourceURL URL

Description.AudioSourceURL New Modifies Description

Buy CD webpage Description.BuyCDURL URL

Description.BuyCDURL New Modifies Description

Lyrics Description.Lyrics Longtext

Description.Lyrics New Modifies Description

Mood Description.Mood Text

Description.Mood New Modifies Description

Radio station webpage Description.RadioStationURL URL

Description.RadioStationURL New Modifies Description

Rating Description.Rating Number Number of stars

Description.Rating New Modifies Description

Format Text File, live stream, networked file

Format Exists

CRC Format.CRC Number Checksum

Format.CRC New Modifies Format

Duration Format.Extent Time

Modifies Format

Bitrate Format.Medium.Bitrate Number

Modifies Format

Channels Format.Medium.Channels Text Mono, Stereo, 5.1?

Modifies Format

Encoder Format.Medium.Encoder Text Name of encoder software

Modifies Format

Samplerate Format.Medium.Samplerate Number

Modifies Format

Catalog # Identifier.CatalogNumber Number

Identifier.CatalogNumber New Modifies Identifier

ISRC # Identifier.ISRCNumber Number

Identifier.ISRCNumber New Modifies Identifier

URL Identifier.URL URL

Identifier.URL New Modifies Identifier

Label Publisher Text

Publisher Exists

Copyright Rights.Copyright Text

Rights.Copyright Exists

Album Source.Album Text

Source.Album New Modifies Source

Disc # Source.Album.DiscNumber Number

Source.Album.DiscNumber New Modifies Source

Track # Source.Album.TrackNumber Number

Source.Album.TrackNumber New Modifies Source

Title Title Text

Title Exists

BPM Type.BPM Number Type or Description?

Type.BPM New Modifies Type

Genre Type.Genre Text

Type.Genre New Modifies Type

File Information
