Revision 4418 (by paul, 02/01/06 19:07:28) |
<?php /** * @package Campsite */ /** * Includes */ // We indirectly reference the DOCUMENT_ROOT so we can enable // scripts to use this file from the command line, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] // is not defined in these cases. if (!isset($g_documentRoot)) { $g_documentRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } require_once($g_documentRoot.'/db_connect.php'); require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/DatabaseObject.php'); require_once($g_documentRoot.'/classes/Log.php'); /** * @package Campsite */ class User extends DatabaseObject { var $m_dbTableName = 'Users'; var $m_keyColumnNames = array('Id'); var $m_keyIsAutoIncrement = true; var $m_config = array(); var $m_columnNames = array( 'Id', 'KeyId', 'Name', 'UName', 'Password', 'EMail', 'Reader', 'City', 'StrAddress', 'State', 'CountryCode', 'Phone', 'Fax', 'Contact', 'Phone2', 'Title', 'Gender', 'Age', 'PostalCode', 'Employer', 'EmployerType', 'Position', 'Interests', 'How', 'Languages', 'Improvements', 'Pref1', 'Pref2', 'Pref3', 'Pref4', 'Field1', 'Field2', 'Field3', 'Field4', 'Field5', 'Text1', 'Text2', 'Text3', 'time_created'); var $m_defaultConfig = array( 'ManagePub'=>'N', 'DeletePub'=>'N', 'ManageIssue'=>'N', 'DeleteIssue'=>'N', 'ManageSection'=>'N', 'DeleteSection'=>'N', 'AddArticle'=>'N', 'ChangeArticle'=>'N', 'MoveArticle'=>'N', 'TranslateArticle'=>'N', 'DeleteArticle'=>'N', 'AttachImageToArticle'=>'N', 'AttachTopicToArticle'=>'N', 'AddImage'=>'N', 'ChangeImage'=>'N', 'DeleteImage'=>'N', 'ManageTempl'=>'N', 'DeleteTempl'=>'N', 'ManageUsers'=>'N', 'ManageReaders'=>'N', 'ManageSubscriptions'=>'N', 'DeleteUsers'=>'N', 'ManageUserTypes'=>'N', 'ManageArticleTypes'=>'N', 'DeleteArticleTypes'=>'N', 'ManageLanguages'=>'N', 'DeleteLanguages'=>'N', 'MailNotify'=>'N', 'ManageCountries'=>'N', 'DeleteCountries'=>'N', 'ViewLogs'=>'N', 'ManageLocalizer'=>'N', 'ManageIndexer'=>'N', 'Publish'=>'N', 'ManageTopics'=>'N', 'EditorBold'=>'N', 'EditorItalic'=>'N', 'EditorUnderline'=>'N', 'EditorUndoRedo'=>'N', 'EditorCopyCutPaste'=>'N', 'EditorFindReplace'=>'N', 'EditorCharacterMap'=>'N', 'EditorImage'=>'N', 'EditorTextAlignment'=>'N', 'EditorFontColor'=>'N', 'EditorFontSize'=>'N', 'EditorFontFace'=>'N', 'EditorTable'=>'N', 'EditorSuperscript'=>'N', 'EditorSubscript'=>'N', 'EditorStrikethrough'=>'N', 'EditorIndent'=>'N', 'EditorListBullet'=>'N', 'EditorListNumber'=>'N', 'EditorHorizontalRule'=>'N', 'EditorSourceView'=>'N', 'EditorEnlarge'=>'N', 'EditorTextDirection'=>'N', 'EditorLink'=>'N', 'EditorSubhead'=>'N', 'InitializeTemplateEngine'=>'N', 'AddFile'=>'N', 'ChangeFile'=>'N', 'DeleteFile'=>'N'); /** * A user of the system is a frontend reader or a 'admin' user, meaning * they have login rights to the backend. * * @param int $p_userId */ function User($p_userId = null) { parent::DatabaseObject($this->m_columnNames); if (is_numeric($p_userId) && ($p_userId > 0)) { $this->m_data['Id'] = $p_userId; if ($this->keyValuesExist()) { $this->fetch(); } } } // constructor function create($p_values = null) { if (is_array($p_values)) { $p_values['time_created'] = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time()); } $success = parent::create($p_values); if ($success) { if (function_exists("camp_load_language")) { camp_load_language("api"); } $logtext = getGS('User account $1 created', $this->m_data['Name']." (".$this->m_data['UName'].")"); Log::Message($logtext, null, 51); } return $success; } // fn create /** * Delete the user. This will delete all config values and subscriptions of the user. * * @return boolean */ function delete() { global $Campsite; if ($this->exists()) { parent::delete(); $Campsite['db']->Execute("DELETE FROM UserConfig WHERE fk_user_id = ".$this->m_data['Id']); $res = $Campsite['db']->Execute("SELECT Id FROM Subscriptions WHERE IdUser = ".$this->m_data['Id']); while ($row = $res->FetchRow()) { $Campsite['db']->Execute("DELETE FROM SubsSections WHERE IdSubscription=".$row['Id']); } $Campsite['db']->Execute("DELETE FROM Subscriptions WHERE IdUser=".$this->m_data['Id']); $Campsite['db']->Execute("DELETE FROM SubsByIP WHERE IdUser=".$this->m_data['Id']); if (function_exists("camp_load_language")) { camp_load_language("api"); } $logtext = getGS('The user account $1 has been deleted.', $this->m_data['Name']." (".$this->m_data['UName'].")"); Log::Message($logtext, null, 52); } return true; } // fn delete /** * Get the user from the database. * * @param array $p_recordSet */ function fetch($p_recordSet = null) { global $Campsite; $success = parent::fetch($p_recordSet); if ($success) { // Fetch the user's permissions. $queryStr = 'SELECT varname, value FROM UserConfig ' .' WHERE fk_user_id='.$this->getProperty('Id'); $config = $Campsite['db']->GetAll($queryStr); if ($config) { // Make m_config an associative array. foreach ($config as $value) { $this->m_config[$value['varname']] = $value['value']; } } } } // fn fetch /** * Set the user to the given user type. * * @param string $p_userType * * @return void */ function setUserType($p_userType) { global $Campsite; if (!$this->exists()) { return; } // Fetch the user type's permissions. $userType =& new UserType($p_userType); if ($userType->exists()) { // Drop all current user permissions. //$queryStr = "DELETE FROM UserConfig WHERE fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id']; $configVars = $userType->getConfig(); foreach ($configVars as $varname => $value) { $queryStr = "SELECT value FROM UserConfig " ." WHERE fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id'] ." AND varname='$varname'"; $exists = $Campsite['db']->GetOne($queryStr); if ($exists !== false) { if ($value != $this->m_config[$varname]) { $queryStr = "UPDATE UserConfig SET value='$value' " ." WHERE fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id'] ." AND varname='$varname'"; $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr); } } else { $queryStr = "INSERT INTO UserConfig SET " ." fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id']."," ." varname='$varname'," ." value='$value'"; $Campsite['db']->Execute($queryStr); } } $this->fetch(); if (function_exists("camp_load_language")) { camp_load_language("api"); } $logtext = getGS('User permissions for $1 changed', $this->m_data['Name']." (".$this->m_data['UName'].")"); Log::Message($logtext, null, 55); } } // fn setUserType /** * @return int */ function getUserId() { return $this->getProperty('Id'); } // fn getUserId /** * Get unique login key for this user - login key is only good for the time the * user is logged in. * @return int */ function getKeyId() { return $this->getProperty('KeyId'); } // fn getKeyId /** * Get the real name of the user. * @return string */ function getRealName() { return $this->getProperty('Name'); } // fn getRealName /** * Get the login name of the user. * @return string */ function getUserName() { return $this->getProperty('UName'); } // fn getUserName /** * Return the value of the given variable name. * If the variable name does not exist, return null. * * @param string $p_varName * @return mixed */ function getConfigValue($p_varName) { if (isset($this->m_config[$p_varName])) { return $this->m_config[$p_varName]; } else { return null; } } // fn getConfigValue /** * Set the user variable to the given value. * If the variable does not exist, it will be created. * * @param string $p_varName * @param mixed $p_value * * @return void */ function setConfigValue($p_varName, $p_value) { global $Campsite; if (!$this->exists() || empty($p_varName) || !is_string($p_varName)) { return; } if (strtolower($p_varName) == "reader") { // Special case for the "Reader" property. $this->setProperty("Reader", $p_value); } else { if (isset($this->m_config[$p_varName])) { if ($this->m_config[$p_varName] != $p_value) { $sql = "UPDATE UserConfig SET value='".mysql_real_escape_string($p_value)."'" ." WHERE fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id'] ." AND varname='".mysql_real_escape_string($p_varName)."'"; $Campsite['db']->Execute($sql); } } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO UserConfig SET " ." fk_user_id=".$this->m_data['Id'].", " ." varname='".mysql_real_escape_string($p_varName)."', " ." value='".mysql_real_escape_string($p_value)."'"; $Campsite['db']->Execute($sql); } } } // fn setConfigValue /** * Get the user config variables in the form array("varname" => "value"). * * @return array */ function getConfig() { return $this->m_config; } // fn getConfig /** * Get the default config for all users. * * @return array */ function GetDefaultConfig() { if (isset($this->m_defaultConfig)) { return $this->m_defaultConfig; } else { $tmpUser =& new User(); return $tmpUser->m_defaultConfig; } } // fn GetDefaultConfig /** * Return true if the user has the permission specified. * * @param string $p_permissionString * * @return boolean */ function hasPermission($p_permissionString) { return (isset($this->m_config[$p_permissionString]) && ($this->m_config[$p_permissionString] == 'Y')); } // fn hasPermission /** * Set the specified permission enabled or disabled. * * @param string $p_permissionString * @param boolean $p_value * * @return void */ function setPermission($p_permissionString, $p_value) { $p_value = $p_value ? 'Y' : 'N'; $this->setConfigValue($p_permissionString, $p_value); } // fn setPermission /** * Return TRUE if this user is an administrator. * * @return boolean */ function isAdmin() { return ($this->getProperty('Reader') == 'N'); } // fn isAdmin /** * @return boolean */ function isValidPassword($p_password) { global $Campsite; $userPasswordSQL = mysql_real_escape_string($p_password); $queryStr = "SELECT Password, SHA1('$userPasswordSQL') AS SHA1Password," . " PASSWORD('$userPasswordSQL') AS OLDPassword FROM Users " . " WHERE Id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->getUserId())."' "; if (!($row = $Campsite['db']->GetRow($queryStr))) { return false; } if ($row['Password'] == $row['SHA1Password'] || $row['Password'] == $row['OLDPassword']) { return true; } $queryStr = "SELECT Password, OLD_PASSWORD('$userPasswordSQL') AS OLDPassword FROM Users " . " WHERE Id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($this->getUserId())."' "; if (!($row = $Campsite['db']->GetRow($queryStr))) { return false; } if ($row['Password'] == $row['OLDPassword']) { return true; } } // fn isValidPassword /** * @return boolean */ function setPassword($p_password) { global $Campsite; $queryStr = "SELECT SHA1('".mysql_real_escape_string($p_password)."') AS PWD"; $row = $Campsite['db']->GetRow($queryStr); $this->setProperty('Password', $row['PWD']); if (function_exists("camp_load_language")) { camp_load_language("api"); } $logtext = getGS('Password changed for $1', $this->m_data['Name']." (".$this->m_data['UName'].")"); Log::Message($logtext, null, 54); } // fn setPassword /** * This is a static function. Check if the user is allowed * to access the site. * * @return array * An array of two elements: * boolean - whether the login was successful * object - if successful, the user object */ function Login($p_userName, $p_userPassword) { global $Campsite; $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UName='$p_userName' AND Reader='N'"; $row = $Campsite['db']->GetRow($queryStr); if ($row) { $user =& new User(); $user->fetch($row); if ($user->isValidPassword($p_userPassword)) { // Generate the Key ID $user->setProperty('KeyId', 'RAND()*1000000000+RAND()*1000000+RAND()*1000', true, true); return array(true, $user); } return array(false, null); } else { return array(false, null); } } // fn Login /** * Return true if the user name exists. * * @param string $p_userName * @return boolean */ function UserNameExists($p_userName) { global $Campsite; $sql = "SELECT UName FROM Users WHERE UName='".mysql_real_escape_string($p_userName)."'"; if ($Campsite['db']->GetOne($sql)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // fn UserNameExists } // class User ?>
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