Ticket #1420 (new defect)

Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

Linking CSS attributes with article types

Reported by: anonymous Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Admin Interface Version: none
Severity: feature Keywords:


An additional article type field would be created when an article field is created to allow users to declare the field’s CSS attribute. The function would then dump all the article type fields’ CSS info into an automatically-generated and editable CSS file (say, automatic.css) for further editing. But because the field is likely to be a 255-character text field, other CSS attributes such as font-size or font-family could potentially be declared on article type field creation.

Change History

  08/24/05 13:16:08 changed by [email protected]

Forgot to add my e-mail to this ticket, but it won’t let me change just that.

  10/24/05 10:53:33 changed by mugur

  • version changed from 2.3.0 to none.
  • milestone changed from none to 4.0.0.

  03/22/06 23:03:27 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 4.0.0 to none.