Ticket #1956 (new defect)

Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 8 months ago

Uploaded file metadata does not always appear in Search window

Reported by: paul Assigned to: fgerlits
Priority: low Milestone: 1.4.0-Monrovia
Component: Campcaster Studio Version:
Severity: minor Keywords:

Description (Last modified by paul)

Problem 1) After you upload a file, the metadata in the Search->Browse window is not always updated. For example, the new creator does not appear in the list of choices. You need to logout and login to get the new artist to appear.

Problem 2) Also, a newly uploaded file does appear in search results after you add it. Sequence of steps: open search window, browse to the artist you are about to upload. Upload the new song from the artist. The new song does not appear in the list of songs by the artist in the search window. It will appear once you search again. (This problem is lower priority than Problem 1)

Change History

  11/10/06 18:27:18 changed by paul

  • description changed.

  11/21/06 10:51:32 changed by fgerlits

This is not really clear to me. Should a file upload automatically trigger a new search, and a new browse? It can be done, but is it really high priority? Estimate: 2 days.

As to (1), you don’t need to log out and log in again; you just need to open the category combo box (drop-down menu), and select the same category (Title, Creator, etc) again. This will refresh the list of available metadata values. Changing the selection (or just clicking on the current selection again) in one of the selection boxes to the left of the box in question will refresh the list of metadata values, too.

  11/21/06 21:15:24 changed by paul

  • priority changed from normal to low.

As for the problem of getting the “browse” metadata to refresh itself, perhaps we could have a “reload” button in the window.

Since there is a workaround, this problem becomes low priority.

  11/23/06 17:13:08 changed by paul

  • milestone changed from 1.1.0-Freetown to 1.2.0-Belgrade.

  10/14/08 20:23:23 changed by fvanberckel

  • milestone changed from 1.3.5 to 1.4.0-Monrovia.