While setting up Campcaster on the Ubuntu Hardy beta with postgresql-8.3. Getting these DB error ‘s in the WebStorageClientTest.
Test name: LiveSupport::StorageClient::WebStorageClientTest::simplePlaylistTest
forced failure
- XML-RPC method 'locstor.savePlaylist' returned error message:
805 - xr_savePlaylist: DB Error: unknown error
SELECT parmd.predns as parns, parmd.predicate as parname,
md.predxml, md.predns as chns, md.predicate as chname
FROM ls_mdata parmd
INNER JOIN ls_mdata md
ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
WHERE md.id=8018 [nativecode=ERROR: operator does not exist: integ
er = character varying
LINE 6: ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need
to add explicit type casts.]
Test name: LiveSupport::StorageClient::WebStorageClientTest::playlistTest
forced failure
- XML-RPC method 'locstor.savePlaylist' returned error message:
805 - xr_savePlaylist: DB Error: unknown error
SELECT parmd.predns as parns, parmd.predicate as parname,
md.predxml, md.predns as chns, md.predicate as chname
FROM ls_mdata parmd
INNER JOIN ls_mdata md
ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
WHERE md.id=8444 [nativecode=ERROR: operator does not exist: integ
er = character varying
LINE 6: ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need
to add explicit type casts.]
Test name: LiveSupport::StorageClient::WebStorageClientTest::audioClipTest
forced failure
- XML-RPC method 'locstor.storeAudioClipClose' returned error message:
805 - xr_storeAudioClipClose: StoredFile::RecallByToken: invalid token (7c85d61
Test name: LiveSupport::StorageClient::WebStorageClientTest::importPlaylistTest
unexpected exception caught
- Caught: LiveSupport::Core::XmlRpcMethodFaultException
- What(): XML-RPC method 'locstor.savePlaylist' returned error message:
805 - xr_savePlaylist: DB Error: unknown error
SELECT parmd.predns as parns, parmd.predicate as parname,
md.predxml, md.predns as chns, md.predicate as chname
FROM ls_mdata parmd
INNER JOIN ls_mdata md
ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
WHERE md.id=11530 [nativecode=ERROR: operator does not exist: inte
ger = character varying
LINE 6: ON parmd.id=md.subject AND md.subjns='_I'
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need
to add explicit type casts.]