Ticket #2336 (new defect)

Opened 3 years ago

Image handling

Reported by: Andilek Assigned to: anonymous
Priority: normal Milestone: mediaturtle requests
Component: Admin Interface Version: 2.6.1
Severity: minor Keywords:


On FreeBSD I have long term problems with creating thumbnails using external program. The reason is, that sometimes simply Apache stops calling the convert binary. I believe it is not campsite problem, but it would be very nice to stop this external thumbnail creation call and use internal method independent on the binary (using GD) or simply create whole extrernal script that runs independently from campsite and create missing thumbnails. The reason of my complain is, that you fill database after the thumbnail is created and if this feature for some reason stops working, the database shows no links to uploaded file (which however is uploaded) and it is not possible to delete image and it remains in database.

I believe revising this functionality would be welcomed by sysadmins.