Ticket #2617 (assigned enhancement)

Opened 1 year ago

Last modified 4 months ago

Provide count as its own template directive

Reported by: douglas Assigned to: mugur (accepted)
Priority: normal Milestone: zero
Component: Template Engine Version:
Severity: feature Keywords:

Description (Last modified by douglas)

In the template language, it would be nice to have a directive that would provide a count of items within the Campsite database. Some examples would be:

– The number of articles with a given topic

– The number of articles in a section

– The number of photos in a section

– The number of articles in an issue

Currently, one has to first list articles with a certain topic, and then at the beginning of the list provide the count. This feature would create a COUNT directive that would return the number of items with the given characteristic(s).

Change History

  08/19/08 20:07:39 changed by douglas

  • description changed.

  05/13/09 23:16:17 changed by mugur

  • owner changed from anonymous to mugur.
  • status changed from new to assigned.
  • version deleted.
  • severity changed from minor to feature.
  • milestone set to zero.